Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 12  /  Part 712: Credit Union Service Organizations (Cusos)

Section No. Description
Section 712.1 How much can an FCU invest in or loan to CUSOs, and what parties may participate?
Section 712.2 What are the characteristics of and what requirements apply to CUSOs?
Section 712.3 What must a FICU and a CUSO do to maintain separate corporate identities?
Section 712.4 What activities and services are preapproved for CUSOs?
Section 712.5 What activities and services are prohibited for CUSOs?
Section 712.6 What transaction and compensation limits might apply to individuals related to both an FCU and a CUSO?
Section 712.8 How can a state supervisory authority obtain an exemption for FISCUs from compliance with Sec
Section 712.10 What requirements apply to subsidiary CUSOs?
Section 712.11 What is the scope of this section?