Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 20  /  Part 25: Compensation For Disability And Death Of Noncitizen Federal Employees Outside The United States

Section No. Description
Section 25.1 In general, what is the Director's policy regarding such claims?
Section 25.2 What is the authority to settle and pay such claims?
Section 25.3 What type of evidence is required to establish a claim under this part?
Section 25.4 How does OWCP adjudicate claims of non-citizen residents of possessions or territories?
Section 25.5 What general provisions does OWCP apply to the Special Schedule?
Section 25.100 How is compensation for disability paid?
Section 25.101 How is compensation for death of a non-citizen non-resident employee paid?
Section 25.102 How is the Special Schedule applied for employees in the Republic of the Philippines?
Section 25.200 How is the Special Schedule applied for employees in Australia?
Section 25.201 How is the Special Schedule applied for Japanese seamen?
Section 25.202 How is the Special Schedule applied to non-resident aliens in the Territory of Guam?
Section 25.203 What are the provisions of EEOICPA, in general?