Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 20  /  Part 662: Description Of The One-Stop System Under Title I Of The Workforce Investment Act

Section No. Description
Section 662.100 Who are the required One-Stop partners?
Section 662.200 What other entities may serve as One-Stop partners?
Section 662.210 What entity serves as the One-Stop partner for a particular program in the local area?
Section 662.220 What are the responsibilities of the required One-Stop partners?
Section 662.230 What are a program's applicable core services?
Section 662.240 Where and to what extent must required One-Stop partners make core services available?
Section 662.250 What services, in addition to the applicable core services, are to be provided by One-Stop partners through the
Section 662.260 How are the costs of providing services through the One-Stop delivery system and the operating costs of the system
Section 662.270 Does title I require One-Stop partners to use their funds for individuals who are not eligible for the partner's
Section 662.280 What is the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
Section 662.300 Is there a single MOU for the local area or are there to be separate MOU's between the Local Board and each partner?
Section 662.310 Who is the One-Stop operator?
Section 662.400 How is the One-Stop operator selected?
Section 662.410 Under what limited conditions may the Local Board be designated or certified as the One-Stop operator?
Section 662.420 Under what conditions may One-Stop operators designated to operate in a One-Stop delivery system established prior to the
Section 662.430 What is the role of the adult and dislocated worker programs in the One-Stop delivery system?