Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 20  /  Part 670: The Job Corps Under Title I Of The Workforce Investment Act

Section No. Description
Section 670.100 What is the Job Corps program?
Section 670.110 What definitions apply to this part?
Section 670.120 What is the role of the Job Corps Director?
Section 670.130 Who decides where Job Corps centers will be located?
Section 670.200 How are center facility improvements and new construction handled?
Section 670.210 Are we responsible for the protection and maintenance of center facilities?
Section 670.220 What entities are eligible to receive funds to operate centers and provide training and operational support
Section 670.300 How are entities selected to receive funding?
Section 670.310 What are the requirements for award of contracts and payments to Federal agencies?
Section 670.320 Who is eligible to participate in the Job Corps program?
Section 670.400 Are there additional factors which are considered in selecting an eligible applicant for enrollment?
Section 670.410 Are there any special requirements for enrollment related to the Military Selective Service Act?
Section 670.420 What entities conduct outreach and admissions activities for the Job Corps program?
Section 670.430 What are the responsibilities of outreach and admissions agencies?
Section 670.440 How are applicants who meet eligibility and selection criteria assigned to centers?
Section 670.450 What restrictions are there on the assignment of eligible applicants for nonresidential enrollment in Job Corps?
Section 670.460 May a person who is determined to be ineligible or an individual who is denied enrollment appeal that decision?
Section 670.470 At what point is an applicant considered to be enrolled in Job Corps?
Section 670.480 How long may a student be enrolled in Job Corps?
Section 670.490 What services must Job Corps centers provide?
Section 670.500 What types of training must Job Corps centers provide?
Section 670.505 Are Job Corps center operators responsible for providing all vocational training?
Section 670.510 What responsibilities do the center operators have in managing work-based learning?
Section 670.515 Are students permitted to hold jobs other than work-based learning opportunities?
Section 670.520 What residential support services must Job Corps center operators provide?
Section 670.525 Are Job Corps centers required to maintain a student accountability system?
Section 670.530 Are Job Corps centers required to establish behavior management systems?
Section 670.535 What is Job Corps' zero tolerance policy?
Section 670.540 How does Job Corps ensure that students receive due process in disciplinary actions?
Section 670.545 What responsibilities do Job Corps centers have in assisting students with child care needs?
Section 670.550 What are the center's responsibilities in ensuring that students' religious rights are respected?
Section 670.555 Is Job Corps authorized to conduct pilot and demonstration projects?
Section 670.560 Is government-paid transportation provided to Job Corps students?
Section 670.600 When are students authorized to take leaves of absence from their Job Corps centers?
Section 670.610 Are Job Corps students eligible to receive cash allowances and performance bonuses?
Section 670.620 Are student allowances subject to Federal Payroll Taxes?
Section 670.630 Are students provided with clothing?
Section 670.640 What are Job Corps centers' responsibilities in preparing students for placement services?
Section 670.700 What placement services are provided for Job Corps students?
Section 670.710 Who provides placement services?
Section 670.720 What are the responsibilities of placement agencies?
Section 670.730 Must continued services be provided for graduates?
Section 670.740 Who may provide continued services for graduates?
Section 670.750 How will Job Corps coordinate with other agencies?
Section 670.760 How do Job Corps centers and service providers become involved in their local communities?
Section 670.800 Are damages caused by the acts or omissions of students eligible for payment under the Federal Tort Claims Act?
Section 670.900 Are loss and damages that occur to persons or personal property of students at Job Corps centers eligible for reimbursement?
Section 670.905 If a student is injured in the performance of duty as a Job Corps Student, what benefits may they receive?
Section 670.910 When is a Job Corps student considered to be in the performance of duty?
Section 670.915 How are students protected from unsafe or unhealthy situations?
Section 670.935 What are the requirements for criminal law enforcement jurisdiction on center property?
Section 670.940 Are Job Corps operators and service providers authorized to pay State or local taxes on gross receipts?
Section 670.945 What are the financial management responsibilities of Job Corps center operators and other service providers?
Section 670.950 Are center operators and service providers subject to Federal audits?
Section 670.955 What are the procedures for management of student records?
Section 670.960 What procedures apply to disclosure of information about Job Corps students and program activities?
Section 670.965 What are the reporting requirements for center operators and operational support service providers?
Section 670.970 How is the performance of the Job Corps program assessed?
Section 670.975 What are the indicators of performance for Job Corps?
Section 670.980 What happens if a center operator, screening and admissions contractor or other service provider fails to meet the
Section 670.985 What procedures are available to resolve complaints and disputes?
Section 670.990 How does Job Corps ensure that complaints or disputes are resolved in a timely fashion?
Section 670.991 How does Job Corps ensure that centers or other service providers comply with the Act and the WIA regulations?
Section 670.992 How does Job Corps ensure that contract disputes will be resolved?
Section 670.993 How does Job Corps resolve disputes between DOL and other Federal Agencies?
Section 670.994 What DOL equal opportunity and nondiscrimination regulations apply to Job Corps?
Section 670.995 What is the purpose of national emergency grants under WIA section 173?