Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 24  /  Part 990: The Public Housing Operating Fund Program

Section No. Description
Section 990.100 Applicability
Section 990.105 Operating fund formula
Section 990.110 Definitions
Section 990.115 Environmental review requirements
Section 990.116 Unit months
Section 990.120 Eligible units
Section 990.125 Ineligible units
Section 990.130 Eligible unit months (EUMs)
Section 990.135 Occupied dwelling units
Section 990.140 Dwelling units with approved vacancies
Section 990.145 Limited vacancies
Section 990.150 Addition and deletion of units
Section 990.155 Overview of calculating formula expenses
Section 990.160 Computation of project expense level (PEL)
Section 990.165 Computation of utilities expense level (UEL): Overview
Section 990.170 Utilities expense level: Computation of the current consumption level
Section 990.175 Utilities expense level: Computation of the rolling base consumption level
Section 990.180 Utilities expense level: Incentives for energy conservation/rate reduction
Section 990.185 Other formula expenses (add-ons)
Section 990.190 Calculation of formula income
Section 990.195 Determination of formula amount
Section 990.200 Fungibility of operating subsidy between projects
Section 990.205 Payment of operating subsidy
Section 990.210 Payments of operating subsidy conditioned upon reexamination of income of families in occupancy
Section 990.215 Purpose
Section 990.220 Transition determination
Section 990.225 PHAs that will experience a subsidy reduction
Section 990.230 PHAs that will experience a subsidy increase
Section 990.235 General
Section 990.240 Types of appeals
Section 990.245 Requirements for certain appeals
Section 990.250 Overview
Section 990.255 Applicability
Section 990.260 Identification of projects
Section 990.265 Asset management
Section 990.270 Project-based management (PBM)
Section 990.275 Project-based budgeting and accounting
Section 990.280 Records and reports
Section 990.285 Compliance with asset management requirements
Section 990.290 Resident Management Corporation operating subsidy
Section 990.295 Preparation of operating budget
Section 990.300 Retention of excess revenues
Section 990.305 Purpose--General policy on financial management, monitoring and reporting
Section 990.310 Submission and approval of operating budgets
Section 990.315 Audits
Section 990.320 Record retention requirements
Section 990.325 What is the applicability and scope of these regulations?