Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 203: Relief Or Reduction In Royalty Rates

Section No. Description
Section 203.0 What is BSEE's authority to grant royalty relief?
Section 203.1 How can I obtain royalty relief?
Section 203.2 Do I have to pay a fee to request royalty relief?
Section 203.3 How do the provisions in this part apply to different types of leases and projects?
Section 203.4 What is BSEE's authority to collect information?
Section 203.5 Which leases are eligible for royalty relief as a result of drilling a phase 2 or phase 3 ultra-deep well?
Section 203.30 If I have a qualified phase 2 or qualified phase 3 ultra-deep well, what royalty relief would that well earn for my lease?
Section 203.31 What other requirements or restrictions apply to royalty relief for a qualified phase 2 or phase 3 ultra-deep well?
Section 203.32 To which production do I apply the RSV earned by qualified phase 2 and phase 3 ultra-deep wells on my lease or in my unit?
Section 203.33 To which production may an RSV earned by qualified phase 2 and phase 3 ultra-deep wells on my lease not be applied?
Section 203.34 What administrative steps must I take to use the RSV earned by a qualified phase 2 or phase 3 ultra-deep well?
Section 203.35 Do I keep royalty relief if prices rise significantly?
Section 203.36 Which leases are eligible for royalty relief as a result of drilling a deep well or a phase 1 ultra-deep well?
Section 203.40 If I have a qualified deep well or a qualified phase 1 ultra-deep well, what royalty relief would my lease earn?
Section 203.41 What conditions and limitations apply to royalty relief for deep wells and phase 1 ultra-deep wells?
Section 203.42 To which production do I apply the RSV earned from qualified deep wells or qualified phase 1 ultra-deep wells on my lease?
Section 203.43 What administrative steps must I take to use the royalty suspension volume?
Section 203.44 If I drill a certified unsuccessful well, what royalty relief will my lease earn?
Section 203.45 To which production do I apply the royalty suspension supplements from drilling one or two certified unsuccessful wells on my lease?
Section 203.46 What administrative steps do I take to obtain and use the royalty suspension supplement?
Section 203.47 Do I keep royalty relief if prices rise significantly?
Section 203.48 May I substitute the deep gas drilling provisions in this part for the deep gas royalty relief provided in my lease terms?
Section 203.49 Who may apply for end-of-life royalty relief?
Section 203.50 How do I apply for end-of-life royalty relief?
Section 203.51 What criteria must I meet to get relief?
Section 203.52 What relief will BSEE grant?
Section 203.53 How does my relief arrangement for an oil and gas lease operate if prices rise sharply?
Section 203.54 Under what conditions can my end-of-life royalty relief arrangement for an oil and gas lease be ended?
Section 203.55 Does relief transfer when a lease is assigned?
Section 203.56 Who may apply for royalty relief on a case-by-case basis in deep water in the Gulf of Mexico or offshore of Alaska?
Section 203.60 How do I assess my chances for getting relief?
Section 203.61 How do I apply for relief?
Section 203.62 Does my application have to include all leases in the field?
Section 203.63 How many applications may I file on a field or a development project?
Section 203.64 How long will BSEE take to evaluate my application?
Section 203.65 What happens if BSEE does not act in the time allowed?
Section 203.66 What economic criteria must I meet to get royalty relief on an authorized field or project?
Section 203.67 What pre-application costs will BSEE consider in determining economic viability?
Section 203.68 If my application is approved, what royalty relief will I receive?
Section 203.69 What information must I provide after BSEE approves relief?
Section 203.70 How does BSEE allocate a field's suspension volume between my lease and other leases on my field?
Section 203.71 Can my lease receive more than one suspension volume?
Section 203.72 How do suspension volumes apply to natural gas?
Section 203.73 When will BSEE reconsider its determination?
Section 203.74 What risk do I run if I request a redetermination?
Section 203.75 When might BSEE withdraw or reduce the approved size of my relief?
Section 203.76 May I voluntarily give up relief if conditions change?
Section 203.77 Do I keep relief approved by BSEE under this part for my lease, unit or project if prices rise significantly?
Section 203.78 How do I appeal BSEE's decisions related to royalty relief for a deepwater lease or a development or expansion project?
Section 203.79 When can I get royalty relief if I am not eligible for royalty relief under other sections in the subpart?
Section 203.80 What supplemental reports do royalty-relief applications require?
Section 203.81 What is BSEE's authority to collect this information?
Section 203.82 What is in an administrative information report?
Section 203.83 What is in a net revenue and relief justification report?
Section 203.84 What is in an economic viability and relief justification report?
Section 203.85 What is in a G&G; report?
Section 203.86 What is in an engineering report?
Section 203.87 What is in a production report?
Section 203.88 What is in a cost report?
Section 203.89 What is in a fabricator's confirmation report?
Section 203.90 What is in a post-production development report?
Section 203.91 Authority and applicability