Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 30  /  Part 886: Reclamation Grants For Uncertified States And Indian Tribes

Section No. Description
Section 886.1 Definitions
Section 886.5 Information collection
Section 886.10 Who is eligible for a grant?
Section 886.11 What can I use grant funds for?
Section 886.12 What are the maximum grant amounts?
Section 886.13 How long will my grant be?
Section 886.14 How do I apply for a grant?
Section 886.15 After OSM approves my grant, what responsibilities do I have?
Section 886.16 How can my grant be amended?
Section 886.17 What audit and administrative requirements must I meet?
Section 886.18 How must I account for grant funds?
Section 886.19 What happens to unused funds from my grant?
Section 886.20 What must I report?
Section 886.21 What records must I maintain?
Section 886.22 What actions can OSM take if I do not comply with the terms of my grant?
Section 886.23 What procedures will OSM follow to reduce, suspend, or terminate my grant?
Section 886.24 How can I appeal a decision to reduce, suspend, or terminate my grant?
Section 886.25 When and how can my grant be terminated for convenience?
Section 886.26 What special procedures apply to Indian lands not subject to an approved Tribal reclamation program?
Section 886.27 Scope