Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 36  /  Part 1233: Transfer, Use, And Disposition Of Records In A Nara Federal Records Center

Section No. Description
Section 1233.1 What definitions apply to this part?
Section 1233.2 What standards are used as guidance for this part?
Section 1233.3 How does an agency transfer records to a NARA Federal Records Center?
Section 1233.10 How does an agency transfer vital records to a NARA Federal Records Center?
Section 1233.12 What personnel records must be transferred to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)?
Section 1233.14 How does an agency transfer records to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)?
Section 1233.16 What reference procedures are used in NARA Federal Records Centers?
Section 1233.18 How are disposal clearances managed for records in NARA Federal Records Centers?
Section 1233.20 What authorities apply to part 1234?