Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 105: Recognition Awards Under The Clean Water Act

Section No. Description
Section 105.1 Definitions
Section 105.2 Title
Section 105.3 What are the requirements for the Awards Program?
Section 105.4 Who is eligible to win an award?
Section 105.5 What are the Awards Program categories for which I may be eligible?
Section 105.6 How do I apply for an award?
Section 105.7 When can I apply for an award?
Section 105.8 How can I get nominated for an award?
Section 105.9 What do I need to be considered for an award?
Section 105.10 Who selects the award winners?
Section 105.11 How is the awards review committee selected?
Section 105.12 How are the award winners selected?
Section 105.13 How are award winners notified?
Section 105.14 How are award winners recognized?
Section 105.15 How are award winners publicized?
Section 105.16 Applicability