Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 42  /  Part 51d: Mental Health And Substance Abuse Emergency Response Procedures

Section No. Description
Section 51d.1 Definitions
Section 51d.2 Who is eligible for an award under this subpart?
Section 51d.3 What information is required in the application?
Section 51d.4 How is an emergency determined to exist?
Section 51d.5 How will applications be evaluated and awarded?
Section 51d.6 What are the limitations on how award funds may be used?
Section 51d.7 Which other HHS regulations apply to these awards?
Section 51d.8 What other conditions apply to these awards?
Section 51d.9 What are the reporting requirements?
Section 51d.10 To which programs do these regulations apply?