Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 43  /  Part 11: Natural Resource Damage Assessments

Section No. Description
Section 11.10 Purpose
Section 11.11 Biennial review of regulations
Section 11.12 Overview
Section 11.13 Definitions
Section 11.14 What damages may a trustee recover?
Section 11.15 Compliance with applicable laws and standards
Section 11.17 Incorporation by reference
Section 11.18 Notification and detection
Section 11.20 Emergency restorations
Section 11.21 Sampling of potentially injured natural resources
Section 11.22 Preassessment screen--general
Section 11.23 Preassessment screen--information on the site
Section 11.24 Preassessment screen--preliminary identification of resources potentially at risk
Section 11.25 What does the authorized official do if an assessment is warranted?
Section 11.30 What does the Assessment Plan include?
Section 11.31 How does the authorized official develop the Assessment Plan?
Section 11.32 What types of assessment procedures are available?
Section 11.33 When may the authorized official use a type A procedure?
Section 11.34 How does the authorized official decide whether to use type A or type B procedures?
Section 11.35 May the authorized official use both type A and type B procedures for the same release?
Section 11.36 Must the authorized official confirm exposure before implementing the Assessment Plan?
Section 11.37 Assessment Plan--preliminary estimate of damages
Section 11.38 What are type A procedures?
Section 11.40 What data must the authorized official supply?
Section 11.41 How does the authorized official apply the NRDAM/CME or NRDAM/GLE?
Section 11.42 Can interested parties review the results of the preliminary application?
Section 11.43 What does the authorized official do after the close of the comment period?
Section 11.44 Type B assessments--general
Section 11.60 Injury determination phase--general
Section 11.61 Injury determination phase--injury definition
Section 11.62 Injury determination phase--pathway determination
Section 11.63 Injury determination phase--testing and sampling methods
Section 11.64 Quantification phase--general
Section 11.70 Quantification phase--service reduction quantification
Section 11.71 Quantification phase--baseline services determination
Section 11.72 Quantification phase--resource recoverability analysis
Section 11.73 Damage determination phase--general
Section 11.80 Damage determination phase--restoration and compensation determination plan
Section 11.81 Damage determination phase--alternatives for restoration, rehabilitation, replacement, and/or acquisition of equivalent resources
Section 11.82 Damage determination phase--use value methodologies
Section 11.83 Damage determination phase--implementation guidance
Section 11.84 What documentation must the authorized official prepare after completing the assessment?
Section 11.90 How does the authorized official seek recovery of the assessed damages from the potentially responsible party?
Section 11.91 Post-assessment phase--restoration account
Section 11.92 Post-assessment phase--restoration plan
Section 11.93 Authority and purpose