Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 43  /  Part 3280: Geothermal Resources Unit Agreements

Section No. Description
Section 3280.1 Definitions
Section 3280.2 What is BLM's general policy regarding the formation of unit agreements?
Section 3280.3 When may BLM require Federal lessees to unitize their leases or require a Federal lessee to commit a lease to a unit?
Section 3280.4 May BLM require the modification of lease requirements in connection with the creation and operation of a unit agreement?
Section 3280.5 When may BLM require a unit operator to modify the rate of exploration, development, or production?
Section 3280.6 Can BLM require an owner or lessee of lands not under Federal administration to unitize their lands or leases?
Section 3280.7 What steps must I follow for BLM to approve my unit agreement?