Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 5  /  Part 2422: Representation Proceedings

Section No. Description
Section 2422.1 Who may file a petition?
Section 2422.2 What information should you include in your petition?
Section 2422.3 What service requirements must you meet when filing a petition?
Section 2422.4 Where do you file petitions?
Section 2422.5 How are parties notified of the filing of a petition?
Section 2422.6 Will an activity or agency post a notice of filing of a petition?
Section 2422.7 What is required to file an intervention or cross-petition?
Section 2422.8 How is the adequacy of a showing of interest determined?
Section 2422.9 How do you challenge the validity of a showing of interest?
Section 2422.10 How do you challenge the status of a labor organization?
Section 2422.11 What circumstances does the Region consider to determine whether your petition is timely filed?
Section 2422.12 How are issues raised by your petition resolved?
Section 2422.13 What is the effect of your withdrawal or the Regional Director's dismissal of a petition?
Section 2422.14 Do parties have a duty to provide information and cooperate after a petition is filed?
Section 2422.15 May parties enter into election agreements, and if they do not will the Regional Director direct an election?
Section 2422.16 What are a notice of hearing and prehearing conference?
Section 2422.17 What is the purpose of a representation hearing and what procedures are followed?
Section 2422.18 When is it appropriate for a party to file a motion at a representation hearing?
Section 2422.19 What rights do parties have at a hearing?
Section 2422.20 What are the duties and powers of the Hearing Officer?
Section 2422.21 What are objections and exceptions concerning the conduct of the hearing?
Section 2422.22 What election procedures are followed?
Section 2422.23 What are challenged ballots?
Section 2422.24 When does the Region tally the ballots?
Section 2422.25 How are objections to the election processed?
Section 2422.26 How does the Region address determinative challenged ballots and objections?
Section 2422.27 When is a runoff election required?
Section 2422.28 How does the Region address an inconclusive election?
Section 2422.29 When does a Regional Director investigate a petition, issue notices of hearings, take actions, and issue Decisions and Orders?
Section 2422.30 When do you file an application for review of a Regional Director Decision and Order?
Section 2422.31 When does a Regional Director issue a certification or a revocation of certification?
Section 2422.32 Relief under part 2423 of this chapter
Section 2422.33 What are the parties' rights and obligations when a representation proceeding is pending?
Section 2422.34 Can a Regional Office help the parties resolve unfair labor practice disputes before a Regional Director decides whether