Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 7  /  Part 248: Wic Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (Fmnp)

Section No. Description
Section 248.1 Definitions
Section 248.2 Administration
Section 248.3 State Plan
Section 248.4 Selection of new State agencies
Section 248.5 Recipient eligibility
Section 248.6 Nondiscrimination
Section 248.7 Level of benefits and eligible foods
Section 248.8 Nutrition education
Section 248.9 Coupon and market management
Section 248.10 Financial management system
Section 248.11 FMNP costs
Section 248.12 FMNP income
Section 248.13 Distribution of funds
Section 248.14 Closeout procedures
Section 248.15 Administrative appeal of State agency decisions
Section 248.16 Management evaluations and reviews
Section 248.17 Audits
Section 248.18 Investigations
Section 248.19 Claims and penalties
Section 248.20 Procurement and property management
Section 248.21 Nonprocurement debarment/suspension, drug-free workplace, and lobbying restrictions
Section 248.22 Records and reports
Section 248.23 Other provisions
Section 248.24 FMNP information
Section 248.25 OMB control number
Section 248.26 General purpose and scope