Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 9  /  Part 77: Tuberculosis

Section No. Description
Section 77.1 Definitions
Section 77.2 Tuberculosis classifications of States and zones
Section 77.3 Application for and retention of zones
Section 77.4 Definitions
Section 77.5 Applicability of this subpart
Section 77.6 Accredited-free States or zones
Section 77.7 Interstate movement from accredited-free States and zones
Section 77.8 Modified accredited advanced States or zones
Section 77.9 Interstate movement from modified accredited advanced States and zones
Section 77.10 Modified accredited States or zones
Section 77.11 Interstate movement from modified accredited States and zones
Section 77.12 Accreditation preparatory States or zones
Section 77.13 Interstate movement from accreditation preparatory States and zones
Section 77.14 Nonaccredited States or zones
Section 77.15 Interstate movement from nonaccredited States and zones
Section 77.16 Interstate movement of cattle and bison that are exposed, reactors, or suspects, or from herds containing suspects
Section 77.17 Other movements
Section 77.18 Cleaning and disinfection of premises, conveyances, and materials
Section 77.19 Definitions
Section 77.20 Applicability of this subpart
Section 77.21 Accredited-free States or zones
Section 77.22 Interstate movement from accredited-free States and zones
Section 77.23 Modified accredited advanced States or zones
Section 77.24 Interstate movement from modified accredited advanced States and zones
Section 77.25 Modified accredited States or zones
Section 77.26 Interstate movement from modified accredited States and zones
Section 77.27 Accreditation preparatory States or zones
Section 77.28 Interstate movement from accreditation preparatory States and zones
Section 77.29 Nonaccredited States or zones
Section 77.30 Interstate movement from nonaccredited States and zones
Section 77.31 General restrictions
Section 77.32 Testing procedures for tuberculosis in captive cervids
Section 77.33 Official tuberculosis tests
Section 77.34 Interstate movement from accredited herds
Section 77.35 Interstate movement from qualified herds
Section 77.36 Interstate movement from monitored herds
Section 77.37 Interstate movement from herds that are not accredited, qualified, or monitored
Section 77.38 Other interstate movements
Section 77.39 Procedures for and interstate movement to necropsy and slaughter
Section 77.40 Cleaning and disinfection of premises, conveyances, and materials
Section 77.41 Definitions