Section 436.1
General objectives |
Section 436.2
Purpose |
Section 436.10
Definitions |
Section 436.11
Life cycle cost methodology |
Section 436.12
Presuming cost-effectiveness results |
Section 436.13
Methodological assumptions |
Section 436.14
Formatting cost data |
Section 436.15
Establishing non-fuel and non-water cost categories |
Section 436.16
Establishing energy or water cost data |
Section 436.17
Measuring cost-effectiveness |
Section 436.18
Life cycle costs |
Section 436.19
Net savings |
Section 436.20
Savings-to-investment ratio |
Section 436.21
Adjusted internal rate of return |
Section 436.22
Estimated simple payback time |
Section 436.23
Uncertainty analyses |
Section 436.24
Purpose and scope |
Section 436.30
Definitions |
Section 436.31
Qualified contractors lists |
Section 436.32
Procedures and methods for contractor selection |
Section 436.33
Multiyear contracts |
Section 436.34
Standard terms and conditions |
Section 436.35
Conditions of payment |
Section 436.36
Annual energy audits |
Section 436.37
Terminating contracts |
Section 436.38
Purpose and scope |
Section 436.40
Definitions |
Section 436.41
Evaluation of Life-Cycle Cost Effectiveness |
Section 436.42
Procurement planning |
Section 436.43
Purpose and scope |
Section 436.100
Definitions |
Section 436.101
General operations plan format and content |
Section 436.102
Program goal setting |
Section 436.103
Energy conservation measures and standards |
Section 436.104
Emergency conservation plan |
Section 436.105
Reporting requirements |
Section 436.106
Review of plan |
Section 436.107
Waivers |
Section 436.108
Purpose and scope |