Section 712.1
Restrictions on activities involving Schedule 1 chemicals |
Section 712.2
Initial declaration requirements for declared facilities which are engaged in the production of Schedule 1 chemicals for purposes |
Section 712.3
New Schedule 1 production facility |
Section 712.4
Annual declaration requirements for facilities engaged in the production of Schedule 1 chemicals for purposes not |
Section 712.5
Advance notification and annual report of all exports and imports of Schedule 1 chemicals to, or from, other States |
Section 712.6
Amended declaration or report |
Section 712.7
Declarations and reports returned without action by BIS |
Section 712.8
Deadlines for submission of Schedule 1 declarations, reports, advance notifications, and amendments |
Section 712.9
Prohibition on exports and imports of Schedule 2 chemicals to and from States not Party to the CWC |