Section 1304.1
Application |
Section 1304.2
Delegation of authority |
Section 1304.3
Application review and approval process |
Section 1304.4
Conduct of hearings |
Section 1304.5
Appeals |
Section 1304.6
Conditions of approvals |
Section 1304.7
Denials |
Section 1304.8
Initiation of construction |
Section 1304.9
Change in ownership of approved facilities or activities |
Section 1304.10
Little Tennessee River; date of formal submission |
Section 1304.11
Scope and intent |
Section 1304.100
Nonnavigable houseboats |
Section 1304.101
Numbering of nonnavigable houseboats and transfer of ownership |
Section 1304.102
Approval of plans for structural modifications or rebuilding of approved nonnavigable houseboats |
Section 1304.103
Scope and intent |
Section 1304.200
Applicability |
Section 1304.201
General sediment and erosion control provisions |
Section 1304.202
Vegetation management |
Section 1304.203
Docks, piers, and boathouses |
Section 1304.204
Other water-use facilities |
Section 1304.205
Requirements for community docks, piers, boathouses, or other water-use facilities |
Section 1304.206
Channel excavation on TVA-owned residential access shoreland |
Section 1304.207
Shoreline stabilization on TVA-owned residential access shoreland |
Section 1304.208
Land-based structures/alterations |
Section 1304.209
Grandfathering of preexisting shoreland uses and structures |
Section 1304.210
Change in ownership of grandfathered structures or alterations |
Section 1304.211
Waivers |
Section 1304.212
Scope and intent |
Section 1304.300
Utilities |
Section 1304.301
Vegetation management on flowage easement shoreland |
Section 1304.302
Channel excavation |
Section 1304.303
Flotation devices and material, all floating structures |
Section 1304.400
Marine sanitation devices |
Section 1304.401
Wastewater outfalls |
Section 1304.402
Marina sewage pump-out stations and holding tanks |
Section 1304.403
Commercial marina harbor limits |
Section 1304.404
Fuel storage tanks and handling facilities |
Section 1304.405
Removal of unauthorized, unsafe, and derelict structures or facilities |
Section 1304.406
Development within flood control storage zones of TVA reservoirs |
Section 1304.407
Variances |
Section 1304.408
Indefinite or temporary moorage of recreational vessels |
Section 1304.409
Navigation restrictions |
Section 1304.410
Fish attractor, spawning, and habitat structures |
Section 1304.411
Definitions |
Section 1304.412
Purpose and applicability |