Section 113.0
Authority to require security or execution of bond |
Section 113.1
Powers of Commissioner of Customs relating to bonds |
Section 113.2
Liability of surety on a terminated bond |
Section 113.3
Bonds and carnets |
Section 113.4
Bond approval |
Section 113.11
Bond application |
Section 113.12
Amount of bond |
Section 113.13
Approved form of bond inadequate |
Section 113.14
Retention of approved bonds |
Section 113.15
Information required on the bond |
Section 113.21
Witnesses required |
Section 113.22
Changes made on the bond |
Section 113.23
Riders |
Section 113.24
Seals |
Section 113.25
Effective dates of bonds and riders |
Section 113.26
Effective dates of termination of bond |
Section 113.27
Information pertaining to principals and sureties on the bond |
Section 113.30
Same party as principal and surety; attorney in fact |
Section 113.31
Partnerships as principals |
Section 113.32
Corporations as principals |
Section 113.33
Co-principals |
Section 113.34
Individual sureties |
Section 113.35
Partner acting as surety on behalf of a partner or on behalf of a partnership |
Section 113.36
Corporate sureties |
Section 113.37
Delinquent sureties |
Section 113.38
Procedure to remove a surety from Treasury Department Circular 570 |
Section 113.39
Acceptance of cash deposits or obligations of the United States in lieu of sureties on bonds |
Section 113.40
Entry made prior to production of documents |
Section 113.41
Time period for production of documents |
Section 113.42
Extension of time period |
Section 113.43
Assent of sureties to an extension of a bond |
Section 113.44
Charge for production of a missing document made against a continuous bond |
Section 113.45
Cancellation of bond or charge against the bond |
Section 113.51
Failure to satisfy the bond |
Section 113.52
Waiver of Customs requirement supported by a bond |
Section 113.53
Cancellation of erroneous charges |
Section 113.54
Cancellation of export bonds |
Section 113.55
General |
Section 113.61
Basic importation and entry bond conditions |
Section 113.62
Basic custodial bond conditions |
Section 113.63
International carrier bond conditions |
Section 113.64
Repayment of erroneous drawback payment bond conditions |
Section 113.65
Control of containers and instruments of international traffic bond conditions |
Section 113.66
Commercial gauger and commercial laboratory bond conditions |
Section 113.67
Wool and fur products labeling acts and fiber products identification act bond conditions |
Section 113.68
Production of bills of lading bond conditions |
Section 113.69
Bond condition to indemnify United States for detention of copyrighted material |
Section 113.70
Bond condition to observe neutrality |
Section 113.71
Bond condition to pay court costs (condemned goods) |
Section 113.72
Foreign trade zone operator bond conditions |
Section 113.73
Bond conditions to indemnify a complainant under section 337 of Tariff Act of 1930, as amended |
Section 113.74
Bond conditions for deferral of duty on large yachts imported for sale at United States boat shows |
Section 113.75
Scope |