Section 125.0
Classes of cartage |
Section 125.1
Supervision of cartage and lighterage |
Section 125.2
Contracts for Government cartage |
Section 125.3
Cartage for examination in public stores |
Section 125.11
Cartage for examination at importers' premises or other place |
Section 125.12
Cartage of merchandise withdrawn from general order for regular entry |
Section 125.13
Cartage of unclaimed merchandise |
Section 125.14
Cartage other than for examination |
Section 125.21
Designation of cartman or lighterman, or other bonded carrier |
Section 125.22
Failure to designate |
Section 125.23
Failure of designated cartman, lighterman or other bonded carrier to appear |
Section 125.24
Documents used |
Section 125.31
Merchandise delivered to a bonded store or bonded warehouse |
Section 125.32
Procedure on receiving merchandise |
Section 125.33
Countersigning of documents and notation of bad order or discrepancy |
Section 125.34
Report of loss, detention, or accident |
Section 125.35
Inability to deliver merchandise |
Section 125.36
Liability for cartage |
Section 125.41
Cancellation of liability |
Section 125.42
Scope |