Section 191.0
Authority of the Commissioner of Customs |
Section 191.1
Definitions |
Section 191.2
Duties and fees subject or not subject to drawback |
Section 191.3
Merchandise in which a U |
Section 191.4
Guantanamo Bay, insular possessions, trust territories |
Section 191.5
Authority to sign drawback documents |
Section 191.6
General manufacturing drawback ruling |
Section 191.7
Specific manufacturing drawback ruling |
Section 191.8
Agency |
Section 191.9
Certificate of delivery |
Section 191.10
Tradeoff |
Section 191.11
Claim filed under incorrect provision |
Section 191.12
Packaging materials |
Section 191.13
Identification of merchandise or articles by accounting method |
Section 191.14
Recordkeeping |
Section 191.15
Direct identification drawback |
Section 191.21
Substitution drawback |
Section 191.22
Methods of claiming drawback |
Section 191.23
Certificate of manufacture and delivery |
Section 191.24
Destruction under Customs supervision |
Section 191.25
Recordkeeping for manufacturing drawback |
Section 191.26
Time limitations |
Section 191.27
Person entitled to claim drawback |
Section 191.28
Direct identification |
Section 191.31
Substitution drawback |
Section 191.32
Person entitled to claim drawback |
Section 191.33
Certificate of delivery required |
Section 191.34
Notice of intent to export; examination of merchandise |
Section 191.35
Failure to file Notice of Intent to Export, Destroy, or Return Merchandise for Purposes of Drawback |
Section 191.36
Destruction under Customs supervision |
Section 191.37
Records |
Section 191.38
Rejected merchandise drawback |
Section 191.41
Procedure |
Section 191.42
Unused merchandise claim |
Section 191.43
Destruction under Customs supervision |
Section 191.44
Completion of drawback claims |
Section 191.51
Rejecting, perfecting or amending claims |
Section 191.52
Restructuring of claims |
Section 191.53
Verification of drawback claims |
Section 191.61
Penalties |
Section 191.62
Drawback on articles destroyed under Customs supervision |
Section 191.71
Exportation procedures |
Section 191.72
Export summary procedure |
Section 191.73
Certification of exportation by mail |
Section 191.74
Exportation by the Government |
Section 191.75
Landing certificate |
Section 191.76
Liquidation |
Section 191.81
Person entitled to claim drawback |
Section 191.82
Person entitled to receive payment |
Section 191.83
Protests |
Section 191.84
Waiver of prior notice of intent to export |
Section 191.91
Accelerated payment |
Section 191.92
Combined applications |
Section 191.93
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.101
Procedure |
Section 191.102
Additional requirements |
Section 191.103
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms certificates |
Section 191.104
Liquidation |
Section 191.105
Amount of drawback |
Section 191.106
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.111
Procedure |
Section 191.112
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.121
Procedure |
Section 191.122
Refund of duties |
Section 191.123
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.131
Procedure |
Section 191.132
Explanation of terms |
Section 191.133
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.141
Procedure |
Section 191.142
Drawback entry |
Section 191.143
Refund of duties |
Section 191.144
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.151
Merchandise released from Customs custody |
Section 191.152
Continuous Customs custody |
Section 191.153
Filing the entry |
Section 191.154
Merchandise withdrawn from warehouse for exportation |
Section 191.155
Bill of lading |
Section 191.156
Landing certificates |
Section 191.157
Procedures |
Section 191.158
Amount of drawback |
Section 191.159
Refund of taxes |
Section 191.161
Procedure |
Section 191.162
Documentation |
Section 191.163
Return to Customs custody |
Section 191.164
No exportation by mail |
Section 191.165
Destruction of merchandise |
Section 191.166
Liquidation |
Section 191.167
Time limit for exportation or destruction |
Section 191.168
General; drawback allowance |
Section 191.171
Definitions |
Section 191.172
Imported duty-paid derivatives (no manufacture) |
Section 191.173
Derivatives manufactured under 19 U |
Section 191.174
Drawback claimant; maintenance of records |
Section 191.175
Procedures for claims filed under 19 U |
Section 191.176
Drawback allowance |
Section 191.181
Zone-restricted merchandise |
Section 191.182
Articles manufactured or produced in the United States |
Section 191.183
Merchandise transferred from continuous Customs custody |
Section 191.184
Unused merchandise drawback and merchandise not conforming to sample or specification, shipped without consent of the consignee, |
Section 191.185
Person entitled to claim drawback |
Section 191.186
Purpose |
Section 191.191
Certification for compliance program |
Section 191.192
Application procedure for compliance program |
Section 191.193
Action on application to participate in compliance program |
Section 191.194
Combined application for certification in drawback compliance program and waiver of prior notice and/or approval of |
Section 191.195
Scope |