Section 1001.100
Definitions of terms used in subpart |
Section 1001.101
Role of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training (ASVET) |
Section 1001.110
Standards of performance governing State agency services |
Section 1001.120
Performance standard on facilities and support for Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) staff |
Section 1001.121
Reporting and budget requirements |
Section 1001.122
Performance standards governing the assignment and role of Local Veterans' Employment Representatives (LVERs) |
Section 1001.123
Standards of performance governing State agency cooperation and coordination with other agencies and organizations |
Section 1001.124
Standards of performance governing complaints of veterans and eligible persons |
Section 1001.125
Determination of compliance |
Section 1001.130
Secretary's annual report to Congress |
Section 1001.131
Administration of DVOP |
Section 1001.140
Functions of DVOP staff |
Section 1001.141
Stationing of DVOP staff |
Section 1001.142
Method of calculating State basic grant awards |
Section 1001.150
Other funding criteria |
Section 1001.151
Hold-harmless criteria and minimum funding level |
Section 1001.152
What is the purpose and scope of this part? |
Section 1001.160
What definitions apply to this part? |
Section 1001.161
How does the Department define veteran for purposes of this subpart? |
Section 1001.162
What is the national entered employment rate (EER) and what is a State's program year EER for purposes of this part? |
Section 1001.163
What is the uniform national threshold EER, and how will it be calculated? |
Section 1001.164
When will the uniform national threshold EER be published? |
Section 1001.165
How will the uniform national threshold EER be used to evaluate whether a State will be required to submit a Corrective |
Section 1001.166
In addition to the procedures specified in this part, will the Department be conducting any other monitoring of compliance |
Section 1001.167
What is the purpose of this part? |