Section 664.100
Who is responsible for oversight of youth programs in the local area? |
Section 664.110
Who is eligible for youth services? |
Section 664.200
How is the ``deficient in basic literacy skills'' criterion in Sec |
Section 664.205
How is the ``requires additional assistance to complete an educational program, or to secure and hold employment'' criterion |
Section 664.210
Must youth participants be registered to participate in the youth program? |
Section 664.215
Is there an exception to permit youth who are not low-income individuals to receive youth services? |
Section 664.220
Are the eligibility barriers for eligible youth the same as the eligibility barriers for the five percent of youth participants |
Section 664.230
May a local program use eligibility for free lunches under the National School Lunch Program as a substitute for the income |
Section 664.240
May a disabled youth whose family does not meet income eligibility criteria under the Act be eligible for youth services? |
Section 664.250
Who is an ``out-of-school youth''? |
Section 664.300
When is dropout status determined, particularly for youth attending alternative schools? |
Section 664.310
Does the requirement that at least 30 percent of youth funds be used to provide activities to out-of-school youth apply to |
Section 664.320
What is a local youth program? |
Section 664.400
How must local youth programs be designed? |
Section 664.405
Must local programs include each of the ten program elements listed in WIA section 129(c)(2) as options available to |
Section 664.410
What are leadership development opportunities? |
Section 664.420
What are positive social behaviors? |
Section 664.430
What are supportive services for youth? |
Section 664.440
What are follow-up services for youth? |
Section 664.450
What are work experiences for youth? |
Section 664.460
Are paid work experiences allowable activities? |
Section 664.470
May youth participate in both youth and adult/dislocated worker programs concurrently? |
Section 664.500
Are Individual Training Accounts allowed for youth participants? |
Section 664.510
Are Local Boards required to offer summer employment opportunities in the local youth program? |
Section 664.600
How is the summer employment opportunities element administered? |
Section 664.610
Do the core indicators described in 20 CFR 666 |
Section 664.620
What is the connection between the youth program and the One-Stop service delivery system? |
Section 664.700
Do Local Boards have the flexibility to offer services to area youth who are not eligible under the youth program through |
Section 664.710
How are the recipients of Youth Opportunity Grants selected? |
Section 664.800
How does a Local Board or other entity become eligible to receive a Youth Opportunity Grant? |
Section 664.810
Who is eligible to receive services under Youth Opportunity Grants? |
Section 664.820
How are performance measures for Youth Opportunity Grants determined? |
Section 664.830
What are the Statewide workforce investment activities under title I of WIA? |