Section 703.1
Forms |
Section 703.2
Forms |
Section 703.2
Failure to secure coverage; penalties |
Section 703.3
Types of companies which may be authorized by the OWCP |
Section 703.101
Applications for authority to write insurance; how filed; evidence to be submitted; other requirements |
Section 703.102
Stock companies holding Treasury certificates of |
Section 703.103
Applicants currently authorized to write insurance under the extensions of the LHWCA |
Section 703.104
Copies of forms of policies to be submitted with application |
Section 703.105
Certificate of authority to write insurance |
Section 703.106
Period of authority to write insurance |
Section 703.108
Longshoremen's endorsement; see succeeding parts for endorsements for extensions |
Section 703.109
Other forms of endorsements and policies |
Section 703.110
Submission of new forms of policies for approval; other endorsements |
Section 703.111
Terms of policies |
Section 703.112
Marine insurance contracts |
Section 703.113
Marine insurance contracts |
Section 703.113
Notice of cancellation |
Section 703.114
Notice of cancellation |
Section 703.114
Discharge by the carrier of obligations and duties of employer |
Section 703.115
Report by carrier of issuance of policy or endorsement |
Section 703.116
Report by carrier of issuance of policy or endorsement |
Section 703.116
Report; by whom sent |
Section 703.117
Report; by whom sent |
Section 703.117
Agreement to be bound by report |
Section 703.118
Agreement to be bound by report |
Section 703.118
Report by employer operating temporarily in another compensation district |
Section 703.119
Name of one employer only shall be given in each report |
Section 703.120
Name of one employer only in each report |
Section 703.120
Deposits of security by insurance carriers |
Section 703.201
Identification of significant gaps in State guaranty fund coverage for LHWCA obligations |
Section 703.202
Application for security deposit determination; information to be submitted; other requirements |
Section 703.203
Decision on insurance carrier's application; minimum amount of deposit |
Section 703.204
Filing of Agreement and Undertaking; deposit of security |
Section 703.205
Kinds of negotiable securities that may be deposited; conditions of deposit; acceptance of deposits |
Section 703.207
Deposits of negotiable securities with Federal Reserve banks or the Treasurer of the United States; interest thereon |
Section 703.208
Substitution and withdrawal of indemnity bond, letters of credit or negotiable securities |
Section 703.209
Increase or reduction in security deposit amount |
Section 703.210
Authority to seize security deposit; use and/or return of proceeds |
Section 703.211
Required reports; examination of insurance carrier accounts |
Section 703.212
Failure to comply |
Section 703.213
Employers who may be authorized as self-insurers |
Section 703.301
Application for authority to become a self-insurer; how filed; information to be submitted; other requirements |
Section 703.302
Decision on employer's application |
Section 703.303
Filing of Agreement and Undertaking; deposit of security |
Section 703.304
Kinds of negotiable securities that may be deposited; conditions of deposit; acceptance of deposits |
Section 703.306
Deposits of negotiable securities with Federal Reserve banks or the Treasurer of the United States; interest thereon |
Section 703.307
Substitution and withdrawal of indemnity bond, letters of credit or negotiable securities |
Section 703.308
Increase or reduction in the amount of indemnity bond, letters of credit or negotiable securities |
Section 703.309
Authority to seize security deposit; use and/or return of proceeds |
Section 703.310
Required reports; examination of self-insurer accounts |
Section 703.311
Period of authorization as self-insurer |
Section 703.312
Revocation of authorization to self-insure |
Section 703.313
Issuance of certificates of compliance |
Section 703.501
Same; employer operating temporarily in another compensation district |
Section 703.502
Return of certificates of compliance |
Section 703.503
Extensions covered by this part |