Section 725.1
Purpose and applicability of this part |
Section 725.2
Contents of this part |
Section 725.3
Applicability of other parts in this title |
Section 725.4
Definition and use of terms |
Section 725.101
Disclosure of program information |
Section 725.102
Burden of proof |
Section 725.103
Who is entitled to benefits; contents of this subpart |
Section 725.201
Miner defined; condition of entitlement, miner |
Section 725.202
Duration and cessation of entitlement; miner |
Section 725.203
Determination of relationship; spouse |
Section 725.204
Determination of dependency; spouse |
Section 725.205
Determination of relationship; divorced spouse |
Section 725.206
Determination of dependency; divorced spouse |
Section 725.207
Determination of relationship; child |
Section 725.208
Determination of dependency; child |
Section 725.209
Duration of augmented benefits |
Section 725.210
Time of determination of relationship and dependency of spouse or child for purposes of augmentation of benefits |
Section 725.211
Conditions of entitlement; surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse |
Section 725.212
Duration of entitlement; surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse |
Section 725.213
Determination of relationship; surviving spouse |
Section 725.214
Determination of dependency; surviving spouse |
Section 725.215
Determination of relationship; surviving divorced spouse |
Section 725.216
Determination of dependency; surviving divorced spouse |
Section 725.217
Conditions of entitlement; child |
Section 725.218
Duration of entitlement; child |
Section 725.219
Determination of relationship; child |
Section 725.220
Determination of dependency; child |
Section 725.221
Conditions of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister |
Section 725.222
Duration of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister |
Section 725.223
Determination of relationship; parent, brother, or sister |
Section 725.224
Determination of dependency; parent, brother, or sister |
Section 725.225
Time of determination of relationship and dependency of survivors |
Section 725.227
Effect of conviction of felonious and intentional homicide on entitlement to benefits |
Section 725.228
Intestate personal property |
Section 725.229
Legal impediment |
Section 725.230
Domicile |
Section 725.231
Member of the same household--``living with,'' ``living in the same household,'' and ``living in the miner's |
Section 725.232
Support and contributions |
Section 725.233
Who may file a claim |
Section 725.301
Evidence of authority to file a claim on behalf of another |
Section 725.302
Date and place of filing of claims |
Section 725.303
Forms and initial processing |
Section 725.304
When a written statement is considered a claim |
Section 725.305
Withdrawal of a claim |
Section 725.306
Cancellation of a request for withdrawal |
Section 725.307
Time limits for filing claims |
Section 725.308
Additional claims; effect of prior denial of benefits |
Section 725.309
Modification of awards and denials |
Section 725.310
Communications with respect to claims; time computations |
Section 725.311
Who are the adjudication officers? |
Section 725.350
Powers of adjudication officers |
Section 725.351
Disqualification of adjudication officer |
Section 725.352
Parties to proceedings |
Section 725.360
Party amicus curiae |
Section 725.361
Representation of parties |
Section 725.362
Qualification of representative |
Section 725.363
Authority of representative |
Section 725.364
Approval of representative's fees; lien against benefits |
Section 725.365
Fees for representatives |
Section 725.366
Payment of a claimant's attorney's fee by responsible operator or fund |
Section 725.367
Claims development--general |
Section 725.401
Approved State workers' compensation law |
Section 725.402
Development of evidence--general |
Section 725.404
Development of medical evidence; scheduling of medical examinations and tests |
Section 725.405
Medical examinations and tests |
Section 725.406
Identification and notification of responsible operator |
Section 725.407
Operator's response to notification |
Section 725.408
Denial of a claim by reason of abandonment |
Section 725.409
Submission of additional evidence |
Section 725.410
Initial adjudication in Trust Fund cases |
Section 725.411
Operator's response |
Section 725.412
Development of evidence |
Section 725.414
Action by the district director after development of evidence |
Section 725.415
Conferences |
Section 725.416
Action at the conclusion of conference |
Section 725.417
Proposed decision and order |
Section 725.418
Response to proposed decision and order |
Section 725.419
Initial determinations |
Section 725.420
Referral of a claim to the Office of Administrative Law Judges |
Section 725.421
Legal assistance |
Section 725.422
Extensions of time |
Section 725.423
Right to a hearing |
Section 725.450
Request for hearing |
Section 725.451
Type of hearing; parties |
Section 725.452
Notice of hearing |
Section 725.453
Time and place of hearing; transfer of cases |
Section 725.454
Hearing procedures; generally |
Section 725.455
Introduction of documentary evidence |
Section 725.456
Witnesses |
Section 725.457
Depositions; interrogatories |
Section 725.458
Witness fees |
Section 725.459
Consolidated hearings |
Section 725.460
Waiver of right to appear and present evidence |
Section 725.461
Withdrawal of controversion of issues set for formal hearing; effect |
Section 725.462
Issues to be resolved at hearing; new issues |
Section 725.463
Record of hearing |
Section 725.464
Dismissals for cause |
Section 725.465
Order of dismissal |
Section 725.466
Termination of hearings |
Section 725.475
Issuance of decision and order |
Section 725.476
Form and contents of decision and order |
Section 725.477
Filing and service of decision and order |
Section 725.478
Finality of decisions and orders |
Section 725.479
Modification of decisions and orders |
Section 725.480
Right to appeal to the Benefits Review Board |
Section 725.481
Judicial review |
Section 725.482
Costs in proceedings brought without reasonable grounds |
Section 725.483
Statutory provisions and scope |
Section 725.490
Operator defined |
Section 725.491
Successor operator defined |
Section 725.492
Employment relationship defined |
Section 725.493
Potentially liable operators |
Section 725.494
Criteria for determining a responsible operator |
Section 725.495
Special claims transferred to the fund |
Section 725.496
Procedures in special claims transferred to the fund |
Section 725.497
Payment provisions generally |
Section 725.501
When benefit payments are due; manner of payment |
Section 725.502
Date from which benefits are payable |
Section 725.503
Payments to a claimant employed as a miner |
Section 725.504
Payees |
Section 725.505
Payment on behalf of another; ``legal guardian'' defined |
Section 725.506
Guardian for minor or incompetent |
Section 725.507
Representative payee |
Section 725.510
Use and benefit defined |
Section 725.511
Support of legally dependent spouse, child, or parent |
Section 725.512
Accountability; transfer |
Section 725.513
Certification to dependent of augmentation portion of benefit |
Section 725.514
Assignment and exemption from claims of creditors |
Section 725.515
Computation of benefits |
Section 725.520
Commutation of payments; lump sum awards |
Section 725.521
Payments prior to final adjudication |
Section 725.522
Operator payments; generally |
Section 725.530
Receipt for payment |
Section 725.531
Suspension, reduction, or termination of payments |
Section 725.532
Modification of benefits amounts; general |
Section 725.533
Reduction of State benefits |
Section 725.534
Reductions; receipt of State or Federal benefit |
Section 725.535
Reductions; excess earnings |
Section 725.536
Reductions; retroactive effect of an additional claim for benefits |
Section 725.537
Reductions; effect of augmentation of benefits based on subsequent qualification of individual |
Section 725.538
More than one reduction event |
Section 725.539
Overpayments |
Section 725.540
Notice of waiver of adjustment or recovery of overpayment |
Section 725.541
When waiver of adjustment or recovery may be applied |
Section 725.542
Standards for waiver of adjustment or recovery |
Section 725.543
Collection and compromise of claims for overpayment |
Section 725.544
Underpayments |
Section 725.545
Relation to provisions for reductions or increases |
Section 725.546
Applicability of overpayment and underpayment provisions to operator or carrier |
Section 725.547
Procedures applicable to overpayments and underpayments |
Section 725.548
Enforcement generally |
Section 725.601
Reimbursement of the fund |
Section 725.602
Payments by the fund on behalf of an operator; liens |
Section 725.603
Enforcement of final awards |
Section 725.604
Defaults |
Section 725.605
Security for the payment of benefits |
Section 725.606
Payments in addition to compensation |
Section 725.607
Interest |
Section 725.608
Enforcement against other persons |
Section 725.609
Failure to secure benefits; other penalties |
Section 725.620
Reports |
Section 725.621
Availability of medical benefits |
Section 725.701
Claims for medical benefits only under section 11 of the Reform Act |
Section 725.702
Physician defined |
Section 725.703
Notification of right to medical benefits; authorization of treatment |
Section 725.704
Arrangements for medical care |
Section 725.705
Authorization to provide medical services |
Section 725.706
Reports of physicians and supervision of medical care |
Section 725.707
Disputes concerning medical benefits |
Section 725.708
Objective of vocational rehabilitation |
Section 725.710
Requests for referral to vocational rehabilitation assistance |
Section 725.711
Statutory insurance requirements for coal mine operators |