Section 866.1
Effective dates of requirement for premarket approval |
Section 866.3
Limitations of exemptions from section 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) |
Section 866.9
Antimicrobial susceptibility test disc |
Section 866.1620
Antimicrobial susceptibility test powder |
Section 866.1640
Fully automated short-term incubation cycle antimicrobial susceptibility system |
Section 866.1645
Culture medium for antimicrobial susceptibility tests |
Section 866.1700
Staphylococcal typing bacteriophage |
Section 866.2050
Anaerobic chamber |
Section 866.2120
Coagulase plasma |
Section 866.2160
Automated colony counter |
Section 866.2170
Manual colony counter |
Section 866.2180
Multipurpose culture medium |
Section 866.2300
Differential culture medium |
Section 866.2320
Enriched culture medium |
Section 866.2330
Microbiological assay culture medium |
Section 866.2350
Selective culture medium |
Section 866.2360
Transport culture medium |
Section 866.2390
Culture medium for pathogenic Neisseria spp |
Section 866.2410
Oxidase screening test for gonorrhea |
Section 866.2420
Automated medium dispensing and stacking device |
Section 866.2440
Supplement for culture media |
Section 866.2450
Quality control kit for culture media |
Section 866.2480
Microtiter diluting and dispensing device |
Section 866.2500
Microbiological incubator |
Section 866.2540
Microbial growth monitor |
Section 866.2560
Gas-generating device |
Section 866.2580
Wood's fluorescent lamp |
Section 866.2600
Microorganism differentiation and identification device |
Section 866.2660
Automated zone reader |
Section 866.2850
Microbiological specimen collection and transport device |
Section 866.2900
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus serological reagents |
Section 866.3010
Adenovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3020
Arizona spp |
Section 866.3035
Aspergillus spp |
Section 866.3040
Beta-glucan serological assays |
Section 866.3050
Blastomyces dermatitidis serological reagents |
Section 866.3060
Bordetella spp |
Section 866.3065
Brucella spp |
Section 866.3085
Campylobacter fetus serological reagents |
Section 866.3110
Chlamydia serological reagents |
Section 866.3120
Citrobacter spp |
Section 866.3125
Coccidioides immitis serological reagents |
Section 866.3135
Corynebacterium spp |
Section 866.3140
Coxsackievirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3145
Cryptococcus neoformans serological reagents |
Section 866.3165
Cytomegalovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3175
Echinococcus spp |
Section 866.3200
Echovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3205
Endotoxin assay |
Section 866.3210
Entamoeba histolytica serological reagents |
Section 866.3220
Enterovirus nucleic acid assay |
Section 866.3225
Epstein-Barr virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3235
Equine encephalomyelitis virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3240
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae serological reagents |
Section 866.3250
Escherichia coli serological reagents |
Section 866.3255
Flavobacterium spp |
Section 866.3270
Francisella tularensis serological reagents |
Section 866.3280
Gonococcal antibody test (GAT) |
Section 866.3290
Haemophilus spp |
Section 866.3300
Herpes simplex virus serological assays |
Section 866.3305
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) serological assays |
Section 866.3310
Histoplasma capsulatum serological reagents |
Section 866.3320
Influenza virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3330
Reagents for detection of specific novel influenza A viruses |
Section 866.3332
John Cunningham Virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3336
Klebsiella spp |
Section 866.3340
Leptospira spp |
Section 866.3350
Listeria spp |
Section 866.3355
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3360
Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunofluorescent reagents |
Section 866.3370
Nucleic acid-based in vitro diagnostic devices for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in respiratory |
Section 866.3372
Nucleic acid-based in vitro diagnostic devices for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTB-complex) |
Section 866.3373
Mycoplasma spp |
Section 866.3375
Mumps virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3380
Neisseria spp |
Section 866.3390
Norovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3395
Parainfluenza virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3400
Plasmodium species antigen detection assays |
Section 866.3402
Poliovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3405
Proteus spp |
Section 866.3410
Pseudomonas spp |
Section 866.3415
Rabiesvirus immuno fluorescent reagents |
Section 866.3460
Reovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3470
Respiratory syncytial virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3480
Rhinovirus serological reagents |
Section 866.3490
Rickettsia serological reagents |
Section 866.3500
Rubella virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3510
Rubeola (measles) virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3520
Salmonella spp |
Section 866.3550
Schistosoma spp |
Section 866.3600
Serratia spp |
Section 866.3630
Shigella spp |
Section 866.3660
Sporothrix schenckii serological reagents |
Section 866.3680
Staphylococcus aureus serological reagents |
Section 866.3700
Streptococcus spp |
Section 866.3720
Streptococcus spp |
Section 866.3740
Toxoplasma gondii serological reagents |
Section 866.3780
Treponema pallidum non treponemal test reagents |
Section 866.3820
Treponema pallidum tre ponemal test reagents |
Section 866.3830
Trichinella spiralis serological reagents |
Section 866.3850
Trypanosoma spp |
Section 866.3870
Varicella-zoster virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3900
Vibrio cholerae serological reagents |
Section 866.3930
West Nile virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3940
Dengue virus serological reagents |
Section 866.3945
Dengue virus nucleic acid amplification test reagents |
Section 866.3946
In vitro human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drug resistance genotype assay |
Section 866.3950
Respiratory viral panel multiplex nucleic acid assay |
Section 866.3980
RNA Preanalytical Systems |
Section 866.4070
Complement reagent |
Section 866.4100
Immunoelectrophoresis equipment |
Section 866.4500
Immunofluorometer equipment |
Section 866.4520
Immunonephelometer equipment |
Section 866.4540
Ouchterlony agar plate |
Section 866.4600
Automated fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) enumeration systems |
Section 866.4700
Radial immunodiffusion plate |
Section 866.4800
Rocket immunoelectro phoresis equipment |
Section 866.4830
Support gel |
Section 866.4900
Albumin immunological test system |
Section 866.5040
Prealbumin immunological test system |
Section 866.5060
Human allotypic marker immunological test system |
Section 866.5065
Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin immunological test system |
Section 866.5080
Antimitochondrial antibody immunological test system |
Section 866.5090
Antinuclear antibody immunological test system |
Section 866.5100
Antiparietal antibody immunological test system |
Section 866.5110
Antismooth muscle antibody immunological test system |
Section 866.5120
Alpha-1-antitrypsin immunological test system |
Section 866.5130
Bence-Jones proteins immunological test system |
Section 866.5150
Beta-globulin immunolog ical test system |
Section 866.5160
Breast milk immunological test system |
Section 866.5170
Fecal calprotectin immunological test system |
Section 866.5180
Carbonic anhydrase B and C immunological test system |
Section 866.5200
Ceruloplasmin immunolog ical test system |
Section 866.5210
Cohn fraction II immunolog ical test system |
Section 866.5220
Colostrum immunological test system |
Section 866.5230
Complement components immunological test system |
Section 866.5240
Complement C [bdi2] inhibitor (inactivator) immunological test system |
Section 866.5250
Complement C3b inactivator immunological test system |
Section 866.5260
C-reactive protein immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5270
Properdin factor B immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5320
Factor XIII, A, S, immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5330
Ferritin immunological test system |
Section 866.5340
Fibrinopeptide A immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5350
Cohn fraction IV immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5360
Cohn fraction V immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5370
Free secretory component immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5380
Alpha-globulin immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5400
Alpha-1-glycoproteins immunological test system |
Section 866.5420
Alpha-2-glycoproteins immunological test system |
Section 866.5425
Beta-2-glycoprotein I immunological test system |
Section 866.5430
Beta-2-glycoprotein III immunological test system |
Section 866.5440
Haptoglobin immunological test system |
Section 866.5460
Hemoglobin immunological test system |
Section 866.5470
Hemopexin immunological test system |
Section 866.5490
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis immunological test system |
Section 866.5500
Immunoglobulins A, G, M, D, and E immunological test system |
Section 866.5510
Immunoglobulin G (Fab fragment specific) immunological test system |
Section 866.5520
Immunoglobulin G (Fc fragment specific) immunological test system |
Section 866.5530
Immunoglobulin G (Fd fragment specific) immunological test system |
Section 866.5540
Immunoglobulin (light chain specific) immunological test system |
Section 866.5550
Lactic dehydrogenase immunological test system |
Section 866.5560
Lactoferrin immunological test system |
Section 866.5570
Alpha-1-lipoprotein immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5580
Lipoprotein X immunolog ical test system |
Section 866.5590
Low-density lipoprotein immunological test system |
Section 866.5600
Alpha-2-macroglobulin immunological test system |
Section 866.5620
Beta-2-microglobulin immunological test system |
Section 866.5630
Infectious mononucleosis immunological test system |
Section 866.5640
Multiple autoantibodies immunological test system |
Section 866.5660
Myoglobin immunological test system |
Section 866.5680
Whole human plasma or serum immunological test system |
Section 866.5700
Plasminogen immunological test system |
Section 866.5715
Prothrombin immunological test system |
Section 866.5735
Radioallergosorbent (RAST) immunological test system |
Section 866.5750
Tryptase test system |
Section 866.5760
Retinol-binding protein immunological test system |
Section 866.5765
Rheumatoid factor immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5775
Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S |
Section 866.5785
Seminal fluid (sperm) immunological test system |
Section 866.5800
Systemic lupus erythema tosus immunological test system |
Section 866.5820
Total spinal fluid immuno logical test system |
Section 866.5860
Thyroid autoantibody immunological test system |
Section 866.5870
Transferrin immunological test system |
Section 866.5880
Inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor immunological test system |
Section 866.5890
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutation detection system |
Section 866.5900
Quality control material for cystic fibrosis nucleic acid assays |
Section 866.5910
Tumor-associated antigen immunological test system |
Section 866.6010
Immunomagnetic circulating cancer cell selection and enumeration system |
Section 866.6020
AFP-L3% immunological test system |
Section 866.6030
Gene expression profiling test system for breast cancer prognosis |
Section 866.6040
Ovarian adnexal mass assessment score test system |
Section 866.6050
Scope |