Section 576.1
Definitions |
Section 576.2
Allocation of funding |
Section 576.3
General provisions and expenditure limits |
Section 576.100
Street outreach component |
Section 576.101
Emergency shelter component |
Section 576.102
Homelessness prevention component |
Section 576.103
Rapid re-housing assistance component |
Section 576.104
Housing relocation and stabilization services |
Section 576.105
Short-term and medium-term rental assistance |
Section 576.106
HMIS component |
Section 576.107
Administrative activities |
Section 576.108
Indirect costs |
Section 576.109
Submission requirements and grant approval |
Section 576.200
Matching requirement |
Section 576.201
Means of carrying out grant activities |
Section 576.202
Obligation, expenditure, and payment requirements |
Section 576.203
In general |
Section 576.300
Metropolitan cities and urban counties |
Section 576.301
States |
Section 576.302
Territories |
Section 576.303
Area-wide systems coordination requirements |
Section 576.400
Evaluation of program participant eligibility and needs |
Section 576.401
Terminating assistance |
Section 576.402
Shelter and housing standards |
Section 576.403
Conflicts of interest |
Section 576.404
Homeless participation |
Section 576.405
Faith-based activities |
Section 576.406
Other Federal requirements |
Section 576.407
Displacement, relocation, and acquisition |
Section 576.408
Recordkeeping and reporting requirements |
Section 576.500
Enforcement |
Section 576.501
Purpose and scope |