Section 906.1
Definitions |
Section 906.2
Requirements applicable to homeownership programs previously approved by HUD |
Section 906.3
Dwelling units and types of assistance that a PHA may make available under a homeownership program under this part |
Section 906.5
Physical requirements that a property offered for sale under this part must meet |
Section 906.7
Title restrictions and encumbrances on properties sold under a homeownership program |
Section 906.9
Eligible purchasers |
Section 906.11
Right of first refusal |
Section 906.13
Requirements applicable to a family purchasing a property under a homeownership program |
Section 906.15
PHA handling of homeownership applications |
Section 906.17
Requirements applicable to a purchase and resale entity (PRE) |
Section 906.19
Protections available to non-purchasing public housing residents |
Section 906.23
Protections available to non-purchasing residents of housing other than public housing |
Section 906.24
Ownership interests that may be conveyed to a purchaser |
Section 906.25
Limitations applicable to net proceeds on the sale of a property acquired through a homeownership program |
Section 906.27
Below-Market sales and financing |
Section 906.29
Requirements applicable to net proceeds resulting from sale |
Section 906.31
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements |
Section 906.33
Inapplicability of section 18 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 |
Section 906.35
Davis-Bacon and HUD wage rate requirements |
Section 906.37
Requirement of HUD approval to implement a homeownership program under this part |
Section 906.38
Contents of a homeownership program |
Section 906.39
Supporting documentation |
Section 906.40
Additional supporting documentation for acquisition of non-public housing for homeownership |
Section 906.41
Where a PHA is to submit a homeownership program for HUD approval |
Section 906.43
HUD criteria for reviewing a proposed homeownership program |
Section 906.45
Environmental requirements |
Section 906.47
HUD approval; implementing agreement |
Section 906.49
Purpose and scope |