Section 26.1
Who authorizes this collection of information? |
Section 26.2
What is the purpose of the Job Placement and Training Program? |
Section 26.3
Who administers the Job Placement and Training Program? |
Section 26.4
Who may be eligible for Job Placement and Training? |
Section 26.5
Who is eligible to receive financial assistance? |
Section 26.6
How is financial need established? |
Section 26.7
Where do I go to apply for Job Placement and Training assistance? |
Section 26.8
How do I apply for assistance? |
Section 26.9
When will I find out if I have been selected for Job Placement and Training assistance? |
Section 26.10
What type of Job Placement and Training assistance may be approved? |
Section 26.11
Who provides the Job Placement and Training? |
Section 26.12
How long may I be in training and how long can I receive other assistance? |
Section 26.13
What or who is a service provider? |
Section 26.14
What makes an applicant eligible for Job Placement and Training services? |
Section 26.15
If I am awarded financial assistance, how much will I receive? |
Section 26.16
Can more than one family member be financially assisted at the same time? |
Section 26.17
What kinds of supportive services are available? |
Section 26.18
Will I be required to contribute financially to my employment and training goals? |
Section 26.19
Can I be required to return portions of my grant? |
Section 26.20
Can this program be combined with other similar programs for maximum benefit? |
Section 26.21
May a tribe integrate Job Placement and Training funds into its Public Law 102-477 Plan? |
Section 26.22
What is an Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISP)? |
Section 26.23
What is the scope of the Job Placement Program? |
Section 26.24
What constitutes a complete Job Placement Program application? |
Section 26.25
What Job Placement services may I receive? |
Section 26.26
What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect? |
Section 26.27
What follow-up services are available after I become employed? |
Section 26.28
What is the scope of the Job Training Program? |
Section 26.29
Does the Job Training Program provide part-time training or short-term training? |
Section 26.30
May I repeat my training? |
Section 26.31
What constitutes a complete Job Training Program application? |
Section 26.32
How do I show I need job training? |
Section 26.33
What type of job training assistance may be approved? |
Section 26.34
What kind of support services are available to me? |
Section 26.35
What follow-up service is available after I complete training? |
Section 26.36
Are there training standards that I must follow? |
Section 26.37
May I appeal a decision about my application? |
Section 26.38
What is the purpose of this part? |