Section 521.101
Applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code |
Section 521.102
Scope of the convention |
Section 521.103
Definitions |
Section 521.104
Scope of convention with respect to determination of ``industrial or commercial profits'' |
Section 521.105
Control of a domestic enterprise by a Danish enterprise |
Section 521.106
Income from operation of ships or aircraft |
Section 521.107
Exemption from, or reduction in rate of, United States tax in the case of dividends, interest and royalties |
Section 521.108
Real property income, natural resource royalties |
Section 521.109
Government wages, salaries, pensions and similar remuneration |
Section 521.110
Pensions and life annuities |
Section 521.111
Compensation for labor or personal services |
Section 521.112
Students and apprentices; remittances |
Section 521.113
Visiting professors or teachers |
Section 521.114
Credit against United States tax liability for Danish tax |
Section 521.115
Reciprocal administrative assistance |
Section 521.116
Claims in cases of double taxation |
Section 521.117
OMB Control numbers |