Section 115.5
Definitions related to sexual abuse |
Section 115.6
Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; PREA coordinator |
Section 115.11
Contracting with other entities for the confinement of inmates |
Section 115.12
Supervision and monitoring |
Section 115.13
Youthful inmates |
Section 115.14
Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches |
Section 115.15
Inmates with disabilities and inmates who are limited English proficient |
Section 115.16
Hiring and promotion decisions |
Section 115.17
Upgrades to facilities and technologies |
Section 115.18
Evidence protocol and forensic medical examinations |
Section 115.21
Policies to ensure referrals of allegations for investigations |
Section 115.22
Employee training |
Section 115.31
Volunteer and contractor training |
Section 115.32
Inmate education |
Section 115.33
Specialized training: Investigations |
Section 115.34
Specialized training: Medical and mental health care |
Section 115.35
Screening for risk of victimization and abusiveness |
Section 115.41
Use of screening information |
Section 115.42
Protective custody |
Section 115.43
Inmate reporting |
Section 115.51
Exhaustion of administrative remedies |
Section 115.52
Inmate access to outside confidential support services |
Section 115.53
Third-party reporting |
Section 115.54
Staff and agency reporting duties |
Section 115.61
Agency protection duties |
Section 115.62
Reporting to other confinement facilities |
Section 115.63
Staff first responder duties |
Section 115.64
Coordinated response |
Section 115.65
Preservation of ability to protect inmates from contact with abusers |
Section 115.66
Agency protection against retaliation |
Section 115.67
Post-allegation protective custody |
Section 115.68
Criminal and administrative agency investigations |
Section 115.71
Evidentiary standard for administrative investigations |
Section 115.72
Reporting to inmates |
Section 115.73
Disciplinary sanctions for staff |
Section 115.76
Corrective action for contractors and volunteers |
Section 115.77
Disciplinary sanctions for inmates |
Section 115.78
Medical and mental health screenings; history of sexual abuse |
Section 115.81
Access to emergency medical and mental health services |
Section 115.82
Ongoing medical and mental health care for sexual abuse victims and abusers |
Section 115.83
Sexual abuse incident reviews |
Section 115.86
Data collection |
Section 115.87
Data review for corrective action |
Section 115.88
Data storage, publication, and destruction |
Section 115.89
Audits of standards |
Section 115.93
Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; PREA coordinator |
Section 115.111
Contracting with other entities for the confinement of detainees |
Section 115.112
Supervision and monitoring |
Section 115.113
Juveniles and youthful detainees |
Section 115.114
Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches |
Section 115.115
Detainees with disabilities and detainees who are limited English proficient |
Section 115.116
Hiring and promotion decisions |
Section 115.117
Upgrades to facilities and technologies |
Section 115.118
Evidence protocol and forensic medical examinations |
Section 115.121
Policies to ensure referrals of allegations for investigations |
Section 115.122
Employee and volunteer training |
Section 115.131
Detainee, contractor, and inmate worker notification of the agency's zero-tolerance policy |
Section 115.132
Specialized training: Investigations |
Section 115.134
Screening for risk of victimization and abusiveness |
Section 115.141
Detainee reporting |
Section 115.151
Third-party reporting |
Section 115.154
Staff and agency reporting duties |
Section 115.161
Agency protection duties |
Section 115.162
Reporting to other confinement facilities |
Section 115.163
Staff first responder duties |
Section 115.164
Coordinated response |
Section 115.165
Preservation of ability to protect detainees from contact with abusers |
Section 115.166
Agency protection against retaliation |
Section 115.167
Criminal and administrative agency investigations |
Section 115.171
Evidentiary standard for administrative investigations |
Section 115.172
Disciplinary sanctions for staff |
Section 115.176
Corrective action for contractors and volunteers |
Section 115.177
Referrals for prosecution for detainee-on-detainee sexual abuse |
Section 115.178
Access to emergency medical services |
Section 115.182
Sexual abuse incident reviews |
Section 115.186
Data collection |
Section 115.187
Data review for corrective action |
Section 115.188
Data storage, publication, and destruction |
Section 115.189
Audits of standards |
Section 115.193
Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; PREA coordinator |
Section 115.211
Contracting with other entities for the confinement of residents |
Section 115.212
Supervision and monitoring |
Section 115.213
Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches |
Section 115.215
Residents with disabilities and residents who are limited English proficient |
Section 115.216
Hiring and promotion decisions |
Section 115.217
Upgrades to facilities and technologies |
Section 115.218
Evidence protocol and forensic medical examinations |
Section 115.221
Policies to ensure referrals of allegations for investigations |
Section 115.222
Employee training |
Section 115.231
Volunteer and contractor training |
Section 115.232
Resident education |
Section 115.233
Specialized training: Investigations |
Section 115.234
Specialized training: Medical and mental health care |
Section 115.235
Screening for risk of victimization and abusiveness |
Section 115.241
Use of screening information |
Section 115.242
Resident reporting |
Section 115.251
Exhaustion of administrative remedies |
Section 115.252
Resident access to outside confidential support services |
Section 115.253
Third-party reporting |
Section 115.254
Staff and agency reporting duties |
Section 115.261
Agency protection duties |
Section 115.262
Reporting to other confinement facilities |
Section 115.263
Staff first responder duties |
Section 115.264
Coordinated response |
Section 115.265
Preservation of ability to protect residents from contact with abusers |
Section 115.266
Agency protection against retaliation |
Section 115.267
Criminal and administrative agency investigations |
Section 115.271
Evidentiary standard for administrative investigations |
Section 115.272
Reporting to residents |
Section 115.273
Disciplinary sanctions for staff |
Section 115.276
Corrective action for contractors and volunteers |
Section 115.277
Disciplinary sanctions for residents |
Section 115.278
Access to emergency medical and mental health services |
Section 115.282
Ongoing medical and mental health care for sexual abuse victims and abusers |
Section 115.283
Sexual abuse incident reviews |
Section 115.286
Data collection |
Section 115.287
Data review for corrective action |
Section 115.288
Data storage, publication, and destruction |
Section 115.289
Audits of standards |
Section 115.293
Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; PREA coordinator |
Section 115.311
Contracting with other entities for the confinement of residents |
Section 115.312
Supervision and monitoring |
Section 115.313
Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches |
Section 115.315
Residents with disabilities and residents who are limited English proficient |
Section 115.316
Hiring and promotion decisions |
Section 115.317
Upgrades to facilities and technologies |
Section 115.318
Evidence protocol and forensic medical examinations |
Section 115.321
Policies to ensure referrals of allegations for investigations |
Section 115.322
Employee training |
Section 115.331
Volunteer and contractor training |
Section 115.332
Resident education |
Section 115.333
Specialized training: Investigations |
Section 115.334
Specialized training: Medical and mental health care |
Section 115.335
Obtaining information from residents |
Section 115.341
Placement of residents in housing, bed, program, education, and work assignments |
Section 115.342
Resident reporting |
Section 115.351
Exhaustion of administrative remedies |
Section 115.352
Resident access to outside support services and legal representation |
Section 115.353
Third-party reporting |
Section 115.354
Staff and agency reporting duties |
Section 115.361
Agency protection duties |
Section 115.362
Reporting to other confinement facilities |
Section 115.363
Staff first responder duties |
Section 115.364
Coordinated response |
Section 115.365
Preservation of ability to protect residents from contact with abusers |
Section 115.366
Agency protection against retaliation |
Section 115.367
Post-allegation protective custody |
Section 115.368
Criminal and administrative agency investigations |
Section 115.371
Evidentiary standard for administrative investigations |
Section 115.372
Reporting to residents |
Section 115.373
Disciplinary sanctions for staff |
Section 115.376
Corrective action for contractors and volunteers |
Section 115.377
Interventions and disciplinary sanctions for residents |
Section 115.378
Medical and mental health screenings; history of sexual abuse |
Section 115.381
Access to emergency medical and mental health services |
Section 115.382
Ongoing medical and mental health care for sexual abuse victims and abusers |
Section 115.383
Sexual abuse incident reviews |
Section 115.386
Data collection |
Section 115.387
Data review for corrective action |
Section 115.388
Data storage, publication, and destruction |
Section 115.389
Audits of standards |
Section 115.393
Frequency and scope of audits |
Section 115.401
Auditor qualifications |
Section 115.402
Audit contents and findings |
Section 115.403
Audit corrective action plan |
Section 115.404
Audit appeals |
Section 115.405
State determination and certification of full compliance |
Section 115.501
Eligibility for Protection under the Convention Against Torture |