Section 4044.1
Definitions |
Section 4044.2
General rule |
Section 4044.3
Violations |
Section 4044.4
Manner of allocation |
Section 4044.10
Priority category 1 benefits |
Section 4044.11
Priority category 2 benefits |
Section 4044.12
Priority category 3 benefits |
Section 4044.13
Priority category 4 benefits |
Section 4044.14
Priority category 5 benefits |
Section 4044.15
Priority category 6 benefits |
Section 4044.16
Subclasses |
Section 4044.17
General valuation rules |
Section 4044.41
Benefits to be valued |
Section 4044.51
Valuation of benefits |
Section 4044.52
Mortality assumptions |
Section 4044.53
XRA when a participant must retire to receive a benefit |
Section 4044.55
XRA when a participant need not retire to receive a benefit |
Section 4044.56
Special rule for facility closing |
Section 4044.57
Valuation of annuity benefits |
Section 4044.71
Form of annuity to be valued |
Section 4044.72
Lump sums and other alternative forms of distribution in lieu of annuities |
Section 4044.73
Withdrawal of employee contributions |
Section 4044.74
Other lump sum benefits |
Section 4044.75
Purpose and scope |