Section 96.0
Terminology |
Section 96.1
Purpose and scope of subpart |
Section 96.11
Audit requirements |
Section 96.12
Purpose and scope of subpart |
Section 96.31
Audit requirement |
Section 96.32
Access to records |
Section 96.41
Audit standards |
Section 96.42
Relation of organization-wide audits to other audit requirements |
Section 96.43
Purpose and scope of subpart |
Section 96.51
Pre-resolution phase activities |
Section 96.52
Audit resolution generally |
Section 96.53
Responsibility for subrecipient audits |
Section 96.54
Purpose and scope of subpart |
Section 96.61
Contracts |
Section 96.62
Federal financial assistance |
Section 96.63
Purpose and scope of this part |