Section 582.0
Purpose and authority |
Section 582.1
Scope |
Section 582.2
Definitions |
Section 582.3
Opportunities for review and comment |
Section 582.4
Disclosure of data and information to the public |
Section 582.5
Disclosure of data and information to an adjacent State |
Section 582.6
Jurisdictional controversies |
Section 582.7
Jurisdiction and responsibilities of Director |
Section 582.10
Director's authority |
Section 582.11
Director's responsibilities |
Section 582.12
Noncompliance, remedies, and penalties |
Section 582.14
Cancellation of leases |
Section 582.15
Obligations and responsibilities of lessees |
Section 582.20
Plans, general |
Section 582.21
Delineation Plan |
Section 582.22
Testing Plan |
Section 582.23
Mining Plan |
Section 582.24
Plan modification |
Section 582.25
Contingency Plan |
Section 582.26
Conduct of operations |
Section 582.27
Environmental protection measures |
Section 582.28
Reports and records |
Section 582.29
Right of use and easement |
Section 582.30
Bonds |
Section 582.40
Method of royalty calculation |
Section 582.41
Payments |
Section 582.42
Appeals |
Section 582.50
Authority |