Section 76.1
Exceptions in program regulations to part 76 |
Section 76.2
Statutes determine eligibility and whether subgrants are made |
Section 76.50
A State distributes funds by formula or competition |
Section 76.51
Eligibility of faith-based organizations for a subgrant |
Section 76.52
Effect of this subpart |
Section 76.100
The general State application |
Section 76.101
Definition of ``State plan'' for part 76 |
Section 76.102
Multi-year State plans |
Section 76.103
A State shall include certain certifications in its State plan |
Section 76.104
State documents are public information |
Section 76.106
What is the purpose of these regulations? |
Section 76.125
What regulations apply to the consolidated grant applications for insular areas? |
Section 76.126
What is the purpose of a consolidated grant? |
Section 76.127
What is a consolidated grant? |
Section 76.128
How does a consolidated grant work? |
Section 76.129
How are consolidated grants made? |
Section 76.130
How does an insular area apply for a consolidated grant? |
Section 76.131
What assurances must be in a consolidated grant application? |
Section 76.132
What is the reallocation authority? |
Section 76.133
What is the relationship between consolidated and non-consolidated grants? |
Section 76.134
Are there any requirements for matching funds? |
Section 76.135
Under what programs may consolidated grant funds be spent? |
Section 76.136
How may carryover funds be used under the consolidated grant application? |
Section 76.137
Amendments to a State plan |
Section 76.140
An amendment requires the same procedures as the document being amended |
Section 76.141
An amendment is approved on the same basis as the document being amended |
Section 76.142
A State plan must meet all statutory and regulatory requirements |
Section 76.201
Opportunity for a hearing before a State plan is disapproved |
Section 76.202
The notification of grant award |
Section 76.235
Allotments are made under program statute or regulations |
Section 76.260
Reallotted funds are part of a State's grant |
Section 76.261
Contact the State for procedures to follow |
Section 76.300
Local educational agency general application |
Section 76.301
The notice to the subgrantee |
Section 76.302
Joint applications and projects |
Section 76.303
Subgrantee shall make subgrant application available to the public |
Section 76.304
State procedures for reviewing an application |
Section 76.400
Disapproval of an application--opportunity for a hearing |
Section 76.401
Federal statutes and regulations on nondiscrimination |
Section 76.500
General cost principles |
Section 76.530
Use of funds for religion prohibited |
Section 76.532
Acquisition of real property; construction |
Section 76.533
Use of tuition and fees restricted |
Section 76.534
General indirect cost rates; exceptions |
Section 76.560
Approval of indirect cost rates |
Section 76.561
Restricted indirect cost rate--programs covered |
Section 76.563
Restricted indirect cost rate--formula |
Section 76.564
General management costs--restricted rate |
Section 76.565
Fixed costs--restricted rate |
Section 76.566
Other expenditures--restricted rate |
Section 76.567
Occupancy and space maintenance costs--restricted rate |
Section 76.568
Using the restricted indirect cost rate |
Section 76.569
Coordination with other activities |
Section 76.580
Federal evaluation--cooperation by a grantee |
Section 76.591
Federal evaluation--satisfying requirement for State or subgrantee evaluation |
Section 76.592
Where to find construction regulations |
Section 76.600
Private schools; purpose of Sec |
Section 76.650
Responsibility of a State and a subgrantee |
Section 76.651
Consultation with representatives of private school students |
Section 76.652
Needs, number of students, and types of services |
Section 76.653
Benefits for private school students |
Section 76.654
Level of expenditures for students enrolled in private schools |
Section 76.655
Information in an application for a subgrant |
Section 76.656
Separate classes prohibited |
Section 76.657
Funds not to benefit a private school |
Section 76.658
Use of public school personnel |
Section 76.659
Use of private school personnel |
Section 76.660
Equipment and supplies |
Section 76.661
Construction |
Section 76.662
Applicability and filing requirements |
Section 76.670
Notice by the Secretary |
Section 76.671
Bypass procedures |
Section 76.672
Appointment and functions of a hearing officer |
Section 76.673
Hearing procedures |
Section 76.674
Posthearing procedures |
Section 76.675
Judicial review of a bypass action |
Section 76.676
Continuation of a bypass |
Section 76.677
Protection of human subjects |
Section 76.681
Treatment of animals |
Section 76.682
Health or safety standards for facilities |
Section 76.683
Compliance with statutes, regulations, State plan, and applications |
Section 76.700
The State or subgrantee administers or supervises each project |
Section 76.701
Fiscal control and fund accounting procedures |
Section 76.702
When a State may begin to obligate funds |
Section 76.703
New State plan requirements that must be addressed in a State plan |
Section 76.704
When obligations are made |
Section 76.707
When certain subgrantees may begin to obligate funds |
Section 76.708
Funds may be obligated during a ``carryover period |
Section 76.709
Obligations made during a carryover period are subject to current statutes, regulations, and applications |
Section 76.710
Requesting funds by CFDA number |
Section 76.711
State reporting requirements |
Section 76.720
Subgrantee reporting requirements |
Section 76.722
Records related to grant funds |
Section 76.730
Records related to compliance |
Section 76.731
Protection of and access to student records; student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing |
Section 76.740
More than one program may assist a single activity |
Section 76.760
Federal funds may pay 100 percent of cost |
Section 76.761
A State shall have procedures to ensure compliance |
Section 76.770
State educational agency action--subgrantee's opportunity for a hearing |
Section 76.783
What is the purpose of this subpart? |
Section 76.785
What entities are governed by this subpart? |
Section 76.786
What definitions apply to this subpart? |
Section 76.787
What are a charter school LEA's responsibilities under this subpart? |
Section 76.788
What are an SEA's responsibilities under this subpart? |
Section 76.789
On what basis does an SEA determine whether a charter school LEA that opens or significantly expands its enrollment is |
Section 76.791
How does an SEA allocate funds to eligible charter school LEAs under a covered program in which the SEA awards |
Section 76.792
When is an SEA required to allocate funds to a charter school LEA under this subpart? |
Section 76.793
How does an SEA allocate funds to charter school LEAs under a covered program in which the SEA awards subgrants on a |
Section 76.794
What are the consequences of an SEA allocating more or fewer funds to a charter school LEA under a covered program than |
Section 76.796
When is an SEA required to make adjustments to allocations under this subpart? |
Section 76.797
Do the requirements in this subpart apply to LEAs? |
Section 76.799
Waiver of regulations prohibited |
Section 76.900
Office of Administrative Law Judges |
Section 76.901
Judicial review |
Section 76.902
Cooperation with audits |
Section 76.910
Definitions that apply to all Department programs |