Section 197.1
What definitions apply in subpart A? |
Section 197.2
How is subpart A implemented? |
Section 197.3
What standard must DOE meet? |
Section 197.4
When will this part take effect? |
Section 197.5
What does subpart B cover? |
Section 197.11
What definitions apply in subpart B? |
Section 197.12
How is Subpart B implemented? |
Section 197.13
What is a reasonable expectation? |
Section 197.14
How must DOE take into account the changes that will occur during the period of geologic stability? |
Section 197.15
What standard must DOE meet? |
Section 197.20
Who is the reasonably maximally exposed individual? |
Section 197.21
What standard must DOE meet? |
Section 197.25
What are the circumstances of the human intrusion? |
Section 197.26
What standards must DOE meet? |
Section 197.30
What is a representative volume? |
Section 197.31
Are there limits on what DOE must consider in the performance assessments? |
Section 197.36
Can EPA amend this rule? |
Section 197.37
Are the Individual Protection and Ground Water Protection Standards Severable? |
Section 197.38
Definitions |