Section 256.01
Scope of the State solid waste management plan |
Section 256.02
State plan submission, adoption, and revision |
Section 256.03
State plan approval, financial assistance |
Section 256.04
Annual work program |
Section 256.05
Definitions |
Section 256.06
Requirements |
Section 256.10
Recommendations |
Section 256.11
Requirements for State legal authority |
Section 256.20
Requirements for State regulatory powers |
Section 256.21
Recommendations for State regulatory powers |
Section 256.22
Requirements for closing or upgrading open dumps |
Section 256.23
Recommendations for closing or upgrading open dumps |
Section 256.24
Recommendation for inactive facilities |
Section 256.25
Requirement for schedules leading to compliance with the prohibition of open dumping |
Section 256.26
Recommendation for schedules leading to compliance with the prohibition of open dumping |
Section 256.27
Requirements |
Section 256.30
Recommendations for developing and implementing resource conservation and recovery programs |
Section 256.31
Requirements |
Section 256.40
Recommendations for assessing the need for facilities |
Section 256.41
Recommendations for assuring facility development |
Section 256.42
Requirements |
Section 256.50
Requirements for public participation in State and substate plans |
Section 256.60
Requirements for public participation in the annual State work program |
Section 256.61
Requirements for public participation in State regulatory development |
Section 256.62
Requirements for public participation in the permitting of facilities |
Section 256.63
Requirements for public participation in the open dump inventory |
Section 256.64
Recommendations for public participation |
Section 256.65
Scope and purpose |