Section 279.1
Applicability |
Section 279.10
Used oil specifications |
Section 279.11
Prohibitions |
Section 279.12
Applicability |
Section 279.20
Hazardous waste mixing |
Section 279.21
Used oil storage |
Section 279.22
On-site burning in space heaters |
Section 279.23
Off-site shipments |
Section 279.24
Do-it-yourselfer used oil collection centers |
Section 279.30
Used oil collection centers |
Section 279.31
Used oil aggregation points owned by the generator |
Section 279.32
Applicability |
Section 279.40
Restrictions on transporters who are not also processors or re-refiners |
Section 279.41
Notification |
Section 279.42
Used oil transportation |
Section 279.43
Rebuttable presumption for used oil |
Section 279.44
Used oil storage at transfer facilities |
Section 279.45
Tracking |
Section 279.46
Management of residues |
Section 279.47
Applicability |
Section 279.50
Notification |
Section 279.51
General facility standards |
Section 279.52
Rebuttable presumption for used oil |
Section 279.53
Used oil management |
Section 279.54
Analysis plan |
Section 279.55
Tracking |
Section 279.56
Operating record and reporting |
Section 279.57
Off-site shipments of used oil |
Section 279.58
Management of residues |
Section 279.59
Applicability |
Section 279.60
Restrictions on burning |
Section 279.61
Notification |
Section 279.62
Rebuttable presumption for used oil |
Section 279.63
Used oil storage |
Section 279.64
Tracking |
Section 279.65
Notices |
Section 279.66
Management of residues |
Section 279.67
Applicability |
Section 279.70
Prohibitions |
Section 279.71
On-specification used oil fuel |
Section 279.72
Notification |
Section 279.73
Tracking |
Section 279.74
Notices |
Section 279.75
Applicability |
Section 279.80
Disposal |
Section 279.81
Use as a dust suppressant |
Section 279.82
Applicability |