Section 1308.1
Scope |
Section 1308.2
Definitions |
Section 1308.3
Purpose and scope of disabilities service plan |
Section 1308.4
Recruitment and enrollment of children with disabilities |
Section 1308.5
Assessment of children |
Section 1308.6
Eligibility criteria: Health impairment |
Section 1308.7
Eligibility criteria: Emotional/behavioral disorders |
Section 1308.8
Eligibility criteria: Speech or language impairments |
Section 1308.9
Eligibility criteria: Mental retardation |
Section 1308.10
Eligibility criteria: Hearing impairment including deafness |
Section 1308.11
Eligibility criteria: Orthopedic impairment |
Section 1308.12
Eligibility criteria: Visual impairment including blindness |
Section 1308.13
Eligibility criteria: Learning disabilities |
Section 1308.14
Eligibility criteria: Autism |
Section 1308.15
Eligibility criteria: Traumatic brain injury |
Section 1308.16
Eligibility criteria: Other impairments |
Section 1308.17
Disabilities/health services coordination |
Section 1308.18
Developing individualized education programs (IEPs) |
Section 1308.19
Nutrition services |
Section 1308.20
Parent participation and transition of children into Head Start and from Head Start to public school |
Section 1308.21
Purpose and application |