Section 95.1
Definitions |
Section 95.4
Time limit for claiming payment for expenditures made after September 30, 1979 |
Section 95.7
Time limit for claiming payment for expenditures made before October 1, 1979 |
Section 95.10
Payment of claims subject to appropriations restrictions |
Section 95.11
In which quarter we consider an expenditure made |
Section 95.13
Exceptions to time limits |
Section 95.19
Meaning of good cause |
Section 95.22
When to request a waiver for good cause |
Section 95.25
What a waiver request for good cause must include |
Section 95.28
Where to send a waiver request for good cause |
Section 95.31
The decision to waive the time limit for good cause |
Section 95.34
Purpose |
Section 95.501
Scope |
Section 95.503
Definitions |
Section 95.505
Plan requirements |
Section 95.507
Cost allocation plan amendments and certifications |
Section 95.509
Approval of the cost allocation plan or plan amendment |
Section 95.511
Effective date of a cost allocation plan amendment |
Section 95.515
Claims for Federal financial participation |
Section 95.517
Cost disallowance |
Section 95.519
Scope and applicability |
Section 95.601
Definitions |
Section 95.605
Submission of advance planning documents |
Section 95.610
Prior approval conditions |
Section 95.611
Disallowance of Federal Financial Participation (FFP) |
Section 95.612
Procurement standards |
Section 95.613
Access to systems and records |
Section 95.615
Software and ownership rights |
Section 95.617
Use of ADP systems |
Section 95.619
ADP reviews |
Section 95.621
Reconsideration of denied FFP for failure to obtain prior approval |
Section 95.623
Consideration for FFP in emergency situations |
Section 95.624
Increased FFP for certain ADP systems |
Section 95.625
Independent Verification and Validation |
Section 95.626
Waivers |
Section 95.627
Cost identification for purpose of FFP claims |
Section 95.631
Nondiscrimination requirements |
Section 95.633
Disallowance of Federal financial participation for automated systems that fail to comply substantially with requirements |
Section 95.635
Applicability of rules for charging equipment in Subpart G of this part |
Section 95.641
Purpose and scope of subpart |
Section 95.701
Definitions |
Section 95.703
Equipment costs--Federal financial participation |
Section 95.705
Equipment management and disposition |
Section 95.707
Scope |