Section 12.101
Incorporation by reference |
Section 12.103
Paperwork approval |
Section 12.105
General requirements for national and STCW rating endorsements |
Section 12.201
Creditable service and equivalents for national and STCW ratings endorsements |
Section 12.203
Examination procedures and denial of rating and STCW endorsements |
Section 12.205
General requirements for able seaman (A/B) endorsements |
Section 12.401
Service or training requirements for able seaman (A/B) endorsements |
Section 12.403
Examination and demonstration of ability for able seaman (A/B) endorsements |
Section 12.405
General requirements for lifeboatman endorsements |
Section 12.407
General requirements for lifeboatman-limited endorsements |
Section 12.409
General requirements for a qualified member of the engine department (QMED) |
Section 12.501
Service or training requirements |
Section 12.503
Examination requirements |
Section 12.505
General requirements for STCW rating endorsements |
Section 12.601
Basic training |
Section 12.602
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as able seafarer-deck |
Section 12.603
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as ratings forming part of a navigational watch (RFPNW) |
Section 12.605
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as rating as able seafarer-engine |
Section 12.607
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as rating forming part of an engineering watch (RFPEW) |
Section 12.609
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as electro-technical rating (ETR) on vessels powered by main propulsion |
Section 12.611
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement in proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue |
Section 12.613
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement in proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than lifeboats |
Section 12.615
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement in proficiency in fast rescue boats |
Section 12.617
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as medical first-aid provider |
Section 12.619
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as person in charge of medical care |
Section 12.621
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) at-sea maintainer |
Section 12.623
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement as vessel personnel with designated security duties |
Section 12.625
Requirements to qualify for an STCW endorsement for security awareness |
Section 12.627
Credentials required for entry-level and miscellaneous ratings |
Section 12.701
General requirements for entry-level ratings |
Section 12.703
Endorsements for persons enrolled in a Maritime Administration-approved training program |
Section 12.705
Student observers |
Section 12.707
Apprentice engineers |
Section 12.709
Apprentice mate |
Section 12.711
Purpose |
Section 12.801
General requirements |
Section 12.803
Employer requirements |
Section 12.805
Basis for denial |
Section 12.807
Citizenship and identity |
Section 12.809
Restrictions |
Section 12.811
Alternative means of compliance |
Section 12.813
Purpose |
Section 12.901
Definitions |
Section 12.903
General requirements |
Section 12.905
Purpose |