Section 731.109
Compensation for personal services |
Section 731.205-6
Travel costs |
Section 731.205-46
Overseas recruitment incentive |
Section 731.205-70
Salary supplements for Host Government employees |
Section 731.205-71
Predetermined fixed rates for indirect costs |
Section 731.370
Compensation for personal services |
Section 731.371
Fringe benefits |
Section 731.372
Overseas recruitment incentive |
Section 731.373
OMB Circular A-122, cost principles for nonprofit organizations; USAID implementation |
Section 731.770
Bid and proposal costs |
Section 731.771
Compensation for personal services |
Section 731.772
Independent research and development costs |
Section 731.773
Overseas recruitment incentive |
Section 731.774
Statutory authority |