Section 536.101
Coverage |
Section 536.102
Definitions |
Section 536.103
Reasonable offer |
Section 536.104
Comparing grades under different pay systems |
Section 536.105
Mandatory grade retention |
Section 536.201
Optional grade retention |
Section 536.202
Additional eligibility requirements for grade retention |
Section 536.203
Period of grade retention |
Section 536.204
Applicability of retained grade |
Section 536.205
Determining an employee's rate of basic pay under grade retention |
Section 536.206
Loss of eligibility for grade retention |
Section 536.207
Termination of grade retention |
Section 536.208
Mandatory pay retention |
Section 536.301
Optional pay retention |
Section 536.302
Geographic conversion |
Section 536.303
Determining an employee's pay retention entitlement |
Section 536.304
Adjusting an employee's retained rate when a pay schedule is adjusted |
Section 536.305
Limitation on retained rates |
Section 536.306
Treatment of a retained rate as basic pay for other purposes |
Section 536.307
Loss of eligibility for or termination of pay retention |
Section 536.308
Converting retained rates on May 1, 2005 |
Section 536.309
Exceptions for certain employees in nonforeign areas |
Section 536.310
Placement and classification plans |
Section 536.401
Appeal of termination of benefits because of reasonable offer |
Section 536.402
Documentation |
Section 536.403
Issuance of employee letters |
Section 536.404
Availability of information |
Section 536.405
Purpose |