Section 9401.101
Definitions |
Section 9401.102
Prior approval for outside employment |
Section 9401.103
Additional rules concerning outside employment for covered employees |
Section 9401.104
Additional rules concerning outside employment for Bureau attorneys |
Section 9401.105
Prohibited financial interests |
Section 9401.106
Prohibition on acceptance of credit on preferential terms from an entity supervised by the Bureau |
Section 9401.107
Restrictions on seeking, obtaining, or renegotiating credit from an entity that is or represents a party to a matter to |
Section 9401.108
Disqualification of employees from particular matters involving creditors |
Section 9401.109
Prohibited recommendations |
Section 9401.110
Restriction on participating in matters involving covered entities |
Section 9401.111
Prohibited purchase of assets |
Section 9401.112
Waivers |
Section 9401.113
General |