Section 1944.251
Objective |
Section 1944.401
General |
Section 1944.501
General |
Section 1944.651
Ownership agreement between HPG grantee and rental property owner or co-op |
Section 1944.663
Objective |
Section 1944.51
Definitions |
Section 1944.52
Grantee eligibility |
Section 1944.53
Authorized representative of the applicant |
Section 1944.62
Authorized use of grant funds |
Section 1944.63
Administrative requirements |
Section 1944.66
Ineligible activities |
Section 1944.67
Agency point of contact |
Section 1944.69
Targeting of HAPG funds to States |
Section 1944.70
Term of grant |
Section 1944.71
Application packaging orientation and training |
Section 1944.72
Package submission |
Section 1944.73
Debarment or suspension |
Section 1944.74
Exception authority |
Section 1944.75
OMB control number |
Section 1944.100
Purpose |
Section 1944.251
Definitions |
Section 1944.252
Notice of funding availability, application process and selection |
Section 1944.253
Program costs |
Section 1944.254
Eligible supportive services |
Section 1944.255
Eligibility for services |
Section 1944.256
Service coordinator |
Section 1944.257
Professional assessment committee |
Section 1944.258
Participatory agreement |
Section 1944.259
Cost distribution |
Section 1944.260
Program participant fees |
Section 1944.261
Grant agreement and administration |
Section 1944.262
Eligibility and priority for 1978 Act recipients |
Section 1944.263
Evaluation of Congregate Housing Services Programs |
Section 1944.264
Reserve for supplemental adjustment |
Section 1944.265
Other Federal requirements |
Section 1944.266
Objective |
Section 1944.401
Grant purposes |
Section 1944.402
Definitions |
Section 1944.403
Eligibility |
Section 1944.404
Authorized use of grant funds |
Section 1944.405
Prohibited use of grant funds |
Section 1944.406
Limitations |
Section 1944.407
Executive Order 12372 |
Section 1944.409
Processing preapplications, applications, and completing grant dockets |
Section 1944.410
Conditions for approving a grant |
Section 1944.411
Docket preparation |
Section 1944.412
Grant approval |
Section 1944.413
Grant approval and other approving authorities |
Section 1944.415
Grant closing |
Section 1944.416
Servicing actions after grant closing |
Section 1944.417
Final grantee evaluation |
Section 1944.419
Extension or revision of the grant agreement |
Section 1944.420
Refunding of an existing grantee |
Section 1944.421
Audit and other report requirements |
Section 1944.422
Loan packaging and 502 RH application submittal |
Section 1944.423
Dwelling construction and standards |
Section 1944.424
Handling and accounting for borrower loan funds |
Section 1944.425
Grant closeout |
Section 1944.426
Grantee self-evaluation |
Section 1944.427
OMB control number |
Section 1944.450
General |
Section 1944.501
Policy |
Section 1944.502
Objectives |
Section 1944.503
Definitions |
Section 1944.506
Applicant eligibility |
Section 1944.510
Authorized representative of the applicant |
Section 1944.512
Comprehensive TSA grant projects |
Section 1944.514
Grant purposes |
Section 1944.516
Term of grant |
Section 1944.518
Ineligible activities |
Section 1944.520
Equal opportunity requirements |
Section 1944.522
Other administrative requirements |
Section 1944.523
Targeting of TSA funds to States |
Section 1944.525
Preapplication procedure |
Section 1944.526
Preapplication submission deadline |
Section 1944.528
Project selection |
Section 1944.529
Applications submission |
Section 1944.531
Grant approval and announcement |
Section 1944.533
Grant approval and announcement |
Section 1944.533
Cancellation of an approved grant |
Section 1944.535
Grant closing |
Section 1944.536
Extending and revising grant agreements |
Section 1944.538
Requesting TSA checks |
Section 1944.540
Reporting requirements |
Section 1944.541
Grant monitoring |
Section 1944.543
Additional grants |
Section 1944.545
Management assistance |
Section 1944.547
Counseling consent by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 single family housing borrowers |
Section 1944.548
Grant evaluation, closeout, suspension, and termination |
Section 1944.549
General |
Section 1944.651
Policy |
Section 1944.652
Objective |
Section 1944.653
Debarment and suspension--drug-free workplace |
Section 1944.654
Definitions |
Section 1944.656
Restrictions on lobbying |
Section 1944.657
Applicant eligibility |
Section 1944.658
Replacement housing |
Section 1944.659
Authorized representative of the HPG applicant and FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 point of contact |
Section 1944.660
Individual homeowners--eligibility for HPG assistance |
Section 1944.661
Eligibility of HPG assistance on rental properties or co-ops |
Section 1944.662
Ownership agreement between HPG grantee and rental property owner or co-op |
Section 1944.663
Housing preservation and replacement housing assistance |
Section 1944.664
Supervision and inspection of work |
Section 1944.665
Administrative activities and policies |
Section 1944.666
Relocation and displacement |
Section 1944.667
Term of grant |
Section 1944.668
Project income |
Section 1944.670
Equal opportunity requirements and outreach efforts |
Section 1944.671
Environmental requirements |
Section 1944.672
Historic preservation and replacement housing requirements and procedures |
Section 1944.673
Public participation and intergovernmental review |
Section 1944.674
Allocation of HPG funds to States and unused HPG funds |
Section 1944.675
Preapplication procedures |
Section 1944.676
Preapplication submission deadline |
Section 1944.678
Project selection criteria |
Section 1944.679
Limitation on grantee selection |
Section 1944.680
Application submission |
Section 1944.681
Preapplication/application review, grant approval, and requesting HPG funds |
Section 1944.682
Reporting requirements |
Section 1944.683
Extending grant agreement and modifying the statement of activities |
Section 1944.684
Additional grants |
Section 1944.686
Grant evaluation, closeout, suspension, and termination |
Section 1944.688
Long-term monitoring by grantee |
Section 1944.689
Exception authority |
Section 1944.690
OMB control number |
Section 1944.700
Criteria for designation |