Section 59.100
Definitions |
Section 59.200
Definitions |
Section 59.300
OMB control number assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act |
Section 59.400
General administrative provisions |
Section 59.10
Recordkeeping |
Section 59.20
Definitions |
Section 59.30
Definitions |
Section 59.100
Mandatory daily reporting for steers and heifers |
Section 59.101
Mandatory daily reporting for cows and bulls |
Section 59.102
Mandatory weekly reporting for steers and heifers |
Section 59.103
Mandatory reporting of boxed beef sales |
Section 59.104
Definitions |
Section 59.200
General reporting provisions |
Section 59.201
Mandatory daily reporting for barrows and gilts |
Section 59.202
Mandatory daily reporting for sows and boars |
Section 59.203
Mandatory weekly reporting for swine |
Section 59.204
Mandatory reporting of wholesale pork sales |
Section 59.205
Definitions |
Section 59.300
Mandatory Daily Reporting for Lambs |
Section 59.301
Mandatory weekly reporting for lambs |
Section 59.302
Mandatory reporting of lamb carcasses and boxed lamb |
Section 59.303
OMB control number assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act |
Section 59.400
Country of origin notification |