(a) A statement of the NRC's organization, policies, procedures, assignments of responsibility, and delegations of authority is in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Management Directives System and other NRC issuances, including local directives issued by Regional Offices. Letters and memoranda containing directives, delegations of authority and the like are also issued from time to time and may not yet be incorporated into the Management Directives System, parts of which are revised as necessary. Copies of the Management Directives System and other delegations of authority are available for public inspection and copying for a fee at the NRC Public Document Room, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738, and at each of NRC's Regional Offices. Information may also be obtained from the Office of Public Affairs or from Public Affairs Officers at the Regional Offices.
(b) Commission meetings are open to the public, as provided by the Government in the Sunshine Act, unless they fall within an exemption to the Act's openness requirement and the Commission also has determined that the public interest requires that those particular meetings be closed. Information concerning Commission meetings may be obtained from the Office of the Secretary.
(c) Information regarding the availability of NRC records under the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act of 1974 may be obtained from the Information and Records Services Division, Office of Information Services. NRC's regulations are published in the Federal Register and codified in Title 10, Chapter 1, of the Code of Federal Regulations. They may be viewed electronically at the NRC Web site, http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/cfr/. Final opinions made in the adjudication of cases are published in ``Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances,'' and are available on a subscription basis from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. [52 FR 31602, Aug. 21, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 43419, Oct. 27, 1988; 53 FR 52993, Dec. 30, 1988; 54 FR 53313, Dec. 28, 1989; 57 FR 1639, Jan. 15, 1992; 63 FR 15740, Apr. 1, 1998; 64 FR 48947, Sept. 9, 1999; 67 FR 67097, Nov. 4, 2002; 70 FR 69421, Nov. 16, 2005; 79 FR 75737, Dec. 19, 2014]