(a)(1) OHA may initiate an investigation of any statement in an application and utilize in its evaluation any relevant facts obtained by such investigation. The OHA may solicit and accept submissions from third persons relevant to any application provided that the applicant is afforded an opportunity to respond to all third person submissions. In evaluating an application, the OHA may consider any other source of information. The OHA on its own initiative may convene a hearing or conference, if, in its discretion, it considers that such hearing or conference will advance its evaluation of the application. The OHA may issue appropriate orders as warranted in the proceeding.
(1) OHA may initiate an investigation of any statement in an application and utilize in its evaluation any relevant facts obtained by such investigation. The OHA may solicit and accept submissions from third persons relevant to any application provided that the applicant is afforded an opportunity to respond to all third person submissions. In evaluating an application, the OHA may consider any other source of information. The OHA on its own initiative may convene a hearing or conference, if, in its discretion, it considers that such hearing or conference will advance its evaluation of the application. The OHA may issue appropriate orders as warranted in the proceeding.
(2) If the OHA determines that there is insufficient information upon which to base a decision and if upon request additional information is not submitted by the applicant, the OHA may dismiss the application without prejudice. If the failure to supply additional information is repeated or willful, the OHA may dismiss the application with prejudice. If the applicant fails to provide the notice required by Sec. 1003.23, the OHA may dismiss the application without prejudice.
(b)(1) The OHA shall consider an application for an exception only when it determines that a more appropriate proceeding is not provided by DOE regulations.
(1) The OHA shall consider an application for an exception only when it determines that a more appropriate proceeding is not provided by DOE regulations.
(2) An application for an exception may be granted to alleviate or prevent serious hardship, gross inequity or unfair distribution of burdens.
(3) An application for an exception shall be decided in a manner that is, to the extent possible, consistent with the disposition of previous applications for exception.