(a) In accordance with the provisions of this section and as otherwise authorized by law, the Director may sign, issue and serve subpoenas; administer oaths and affirmations; take sworn testimony; compel attendance of and sequester witnesses; control dissemination of any record of testimony taken pursuant to this section; subpoena and reproduce books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, contracts, agreements, or other relevant records or tangible evidence including, but not limited to, information retained in computerized or other automated systems in possession of the subpoenaed person.
(b) The Director may issue a Special Report Order requiring any person subject to the jurisdiction of the OHA to file a special report providing information relating to the OHA proceeding, including but not limited to written answers to specific questions. The SRO may be in addition to any other reports required.
(c) The Director, for good cause shown, may extend the time prescribed for compliance with the subpoena or SRO and negotiate and approve the terms of satisfactory compliance.
(d) Prior to the time specified for compliance, but in no event more than 10 days after the date of service of the subpoena or SRO, the person upon whom the document was served may file a request for review of the subpoena or SRO with the Director. The Director then shall provide notice of receipt to the person requesting review, may extend the time prescribed for compliance with the subpoena or SRO, and may negotiate and approve the terms of satisfactory compliance.
(e) If the subpoena or SRO is not modified or rescinded within 10 days of the date of the Director's notice of receipt:
(1) The subpoena or SRO shall be effective as issued; and
(2) The person upon whom the document was served shall comply with the subpoena or SRO within 20 days of the date of the Director's notice of receipt, unless otherwise notified in writing by the Director.
(f) There is no administrative appeal of a subpoena or SRO.
(g) A subpoena or SRO shall be served upon a person named in the document by delivering a copy of the document to the person named.
(h) Delivery of a copy of a subpoena or SRO to a natural person may be made by:
(1) Handing it to the person;
(2) Leaving it at the person's office with the person in charge of the office;
(3) Leaving it at the person's dwelling or usual place of abode with a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there;
(4) Mailing it to the person by certified mail, at his last known address; or
(5) Any method that provides the person with actual notice prior to the return date of the document.
(i) Delivery of a copy of a subpoena or SRO to a person who is not a natural person may be made by:
(1) Handing it to a registered agent of the person;
(2) Handing it to any officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of such person;
(3) Mailing it to the last known address of any registered agent, officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of the person by certified mail; or
(4) Any method that provides any registered agent, officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of the person with actual notice of the document prior to the return date of the document.
(j) A witness subpoenaed by the OHA may be paid the same fees and mileage as paid to a witness in the district courts of the United States.
(k) If in the course of a proceeding a subpoena is issued at the request of a person other than an officer or agency of the United States, the witness fees and mileage shall be paid by the person who requested the subpoena. However, at the request of the person, the witness fees and mileage may be paid by the OHA if the person shows:
(1) The presence of the subpoenaed witness will materially advance the proceeding; and
(2) The person who requested that the subpoena be issued would suffer a serious hardship if required to pay the witness fees and mileage.
(l) If any person upon whom a subpoena or SRO is served pursuant to this section refuses or fails to comply with any provision of the subpoena or SRO, an action may be commenced in the appropriate United States District Court to enforce the subpoena or SRO.
(m) Documents produced in response to a subpoena shall be accompanied by the sworn certification, under penalty of perjury, of the person to whom the subpoena was directed or his authorized agent that:
(1) A diligent search has been made for each document responsive to the subpoena; and
(2) To the best of his knowledge, information, and belief each document responsive to the subpoena is being produced.
(n) Any information furnished in response to an SRO shall be accompanied by the sworn certification, under penalty of perjury, of the person to whom it was directed or his authorized agent who actually provides the information that:
(1) A diligent effort has been made to provide all information required by the SRO; and
(2) All information furnished is true, complete, and correct.
(o) If any document responsive to a subpoena is not produced or any information required by an SRO is not furnished, the certification shall include a statement setting forth every reason for failing to comply with the subpoena or SRO. If a person to whom a subpoena or SRO is directed withholds any document or information because of a claim of attorney-client or other privilege, the person submitting the certification required by paragraph (m) or (n) of this section also shall submit a written list of the documents or the information withheld indicating a description of each document or information, the date of the document, each person shown on the document as having received a copy of the document, each person shown on the document as having prepared or been sent the document, the privilege relied upon as the basis for withholding the document or information, and an identification of the person whose privilege is being asserted.
(p) If testimony is taken pursuant to a subpoena, the Director shall determine whether the testimony shall be recorded and the means by which the testimony is recorded.
(q) A witness whose testimony is recorded may procure a copy of his testimony by making a written request for a copy and paying the appropriate fees. However, the Director may deny the request for good cause. Upon proper identification, any witness or his attorney has the right to inspect the official transcript of the witness' own testimony.
(r) The Director may sequester any person subpoenaed to furnish documents or give testimony. Unless permitted by the Director, neither a witness nor his attorney shall be present during the examination of any other witnesses.
(s) A witness whose testimony is taken may be accompanied, represented and advised by his attorney as follows:
(1) Upon the initiative of the attorney or witness, the attorney may advise his client, in confidence, with respect to the question asked his client, and if the witness refuses to answer any question, the witness or his attorney is required to briefly state the legal grounds for such refusal; and
(2) If the witness claims a privilege to refuse to answer a question on the grounds of self-incrimination, the witness must assert the privilege personally.
(t) The Director shall take all necessary action to regulate the course of testimony and to avoid delay and prevent or restrain contemptuous or obstructionist conduct or contemptuous language. OHA may take actions as the circumstances may warrant in regard to any instances where any attorney refuses to comply with directions or provisions of this section.