(a) Heads of DOE Headquarters Elements and Field Elements or their designees must promptly notify the appropriate DOE finance office of claims arising from their operations. A claim will be recorded and controlled by the responsible finance office upon receipt of documentation from a competent authority establishing the amount due.
(b) In accordance with 31 CFR Chapter IX parts 900-904 and this part, DOE will aggressively collect all debts arising out of activities. Collection activities shall be undertaken promptly with follow-up action taken as necessary.
(c) Debts referred or transferred to Treasury, or Treasury-designated debt collection centers under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 3711(g), shall be serviced, collected, or compromised, or the collection action will be suspended or terminated, in accordance with the statutory requirements and authorities applicable to the collection of such debts.
(d) DOE will cooperate with other agencies in its debt collection activities.
(e) DOE will refer debts to Treasury as soon as due process requirements are complete, and should refer such debts no later than 180 days after the debt has become delinquent. On behalf of DOE, Treasury will take appropriate action to collect or compromise the referred debt, or to suspend or terminate collection action thereon, in accordance with the statutory and regulatory requirements and authorities applicable to the debt and action. Appropriate action to collect a debt may include referral to another debt collection center, a private collection contractor, or the DOJ for litigation. (See 31 CFR 285.12, Transfer of Debts to Treasury for Collection.) This requirement does not apply to any debt that:
(1) Is in litigation or foreclosure;
(2) Will be disposed of under an approved asset sale program;
(3) Has been referred to a private collection contractor for a period of time acceptable to Treasury; or
(4) Will be collected under internal offset procedures within three years after the debt first became delinquent.
(f) Treasury is authorized to charge a fee for services rendered regarding referred or transferred debts. DOE will add the fee to the debt as an administrative cost (see Sec. 1015.212(c)).